Cbief,p Co-t--ct Di-.,4-slon 2 Mief,, Cbtain for the Purposes of Cond!2cti!3@-, a D-rible B3infln Cr-se SUP 1. neur_ tL-lc,-.ibone relrzest.* %M =&de c;,o-ntact with 3.:r. concerning the fol3@mrimg: @2D40DOI w, tablets 7- -b. 2DjOOD 4 x4G tablets c. @2DO = 3D cc ri.-U z@C2 per cc 4. -Tlus au.@Lflciezit placebos for the PurlOlOse Of cz--Mducting a double blln6 stud.7 cm their effectiveness at a mental- bos@p:Ltal in g@ ,Sr. Onl@ @@ was mor.t coop--rativ2e =d agreed to nake the mterlsrr-va:U--ble at .no cost to the AgenL- IV-,e "mm a cze:q)ete--,t sb4y .1. 'He VMS asou v-auld'be condncted and tb---t the Net-hlts vwild be md 2 to for the@L-irre. -2. It vonld be rsible to have the a few days, -I=t the ple-cebos are t-t immediately a%-r-iUble and win bave to be nade iL,2 qtc--Izl. MAs na3- take P, vL-e'r. to We v-in be not2ified i!hem an :Lr. ready and will ldck up the nzL-,Lerial and -send to the -Ls'aal LacrLitiez. ad0tio-- to the WMW-.,i3@-1- inc:Lude' C- directims r---d I=ecmutions :for its use.,,,ulth !n,'l 'I description of side reactions encmjztered with tba-.,W-.@bat jal. be ted, e-r U,. sta these -re-r-etions b=ve b-,cm fez; -ULit be would not want to bave anatb'-.Aa reflect cm the US :L2n the event they d,:d occur v:ltlwrat previcras ?-MOvleq@,-.e - -=either -.mulcl be %,-EL,2t an.T ref'-Iection cast on UMM re7itation shoul-d this occl=. As a fartber pre- c&uticu., and in edditim 2-to all the above =terlal,, be will Include am antidote to'be aarini teed -shou3e the ride =eactions 'Wft look fom-ard to seeiDS the results of the Gtxldy. BY the vaY., this Is a tranqaLUzer sl?niln to reserpine Imt au Im 8 .Pmvem--at and bas cm apj;=o-=iate na- IP TO roR IMSE 78 C.