DISPATC)I No. VIA --ALL CLXS!, DA ...Chief, FROM @bje@ Cperations G 2 ttal of L-.a@verial. SUB ACT, None. ON 71 ices a -n mitted u er Separate cove S r is a tape recording of the vo @@lWmade'-on 21 Varch 1958. ;Df 2 and 'I@ in the process of intervie%ring the -@vbe -the to-oic a SubjeE: on -date POT-being 2 and the Subject's .- .,this n @,7m &6-atte3npt t S ir@-- to 7te ret'urned -ti a o@ - D -tbi! o7imDress' 2 '-t that ired..so7-far- were not.a'. tbe----fac- v i @ ontinued along these Lines.ii e g@@es.,. ve s2ugkestecl -that-. es -be@tef --fo3@ him to write a-stateme ann nk,his preVIOUS Btateme-- be -This statement as well t'::. requesting'-asylum'- -.This Subject-dia.-quit2e'will@n@y 'is bein for-.arded for Headouarters i-eten-ion.- would li'ie' If he v e-on'tbis-to'oicr 2asked Wh e we. er hir.: ci I the-mot:Lves.for_his defection,-the reason for stat6ment..rejaiiron ;sir-ti@-to.-r@bti2rij- 0-a a@descrip'@ioa of the treatment be has - received. -bisidefection.r The at@ cbed contact report a t'-tb ii - 13 a nd a' of tb 'e; -A=-- r:l c aS In c'e' @a ;equeiit@: e-@ent 2 In: e- cletai.'I@ e- vill:- describe _the sub S mor %.rc Transmittal-of Tape, 21 taw, lc6F;YA-IR;%u 1 C4 Z_A watt, i:a/s Od L-ICATION 31 -r;CT Ca.1 r 31 1.'-l ch 1958 --de 2 As' an adciition to the. ape t nade on 21 I:arch vbcn the Sub-icct like to return to dli'ke voul(I the effect that be 2statement to 'the a C-Vith saying tb-.t folio-zing his outburst and to Cont-inu e @,as in the kitchen expressing n;Y Opinion t'hlt@ jitcben, _I spo-ke'to 2 him vbile b 'ensions. P-U be r>a5A this vas I& eood tbi]3E:.* -ti@at this --as a release of his W 'nd be d@-sbc-d oit the b2ck door. In about was in replyp =e'.alone 2 'tven@i-five-minutes be settled (IC--rai, obv-1o,,sly w-ith.tbe effects of tb -twenty, -ould go back to tberother -- ho-,tse alcohol viarking -oi2'bizn; -I told him tb--t ve@ a- 'nt !Lcli veM--@ri lingly ancl retire-d to his roo-m ir--@@iately upon arriT@Lf Be ve tbe.re. an appointment -with drink any' m2o,-e- because be bad 2. 1 asl-,ed him Dot "O ? 3.CCk. -ire -@,as a5reeable. Ee =ade s=e -stber or ths.t everLLng at 7 0 c tbie -doct - on v-i@@.h the tape that 2/9 cling .,bebi@rior in,connec'i 'Cutt vore on- ing remarks regar 'be rade mying that this VMS a As the afternoon and evening 2 be--jiet b-i:@seLf cleaned up @'be refused ti@--partike in dinner bui'I insi'3tecl @,,b3t ,-for -tbe even Au-o visit the dispensary2 at',Bbou-t- f i-i;; iii@utes toa -d 7 As ve Pier,?arL o about-Ar--ri tbe'effect that '.he -r@utting r6mrk 2 .'hi'imde'so= rabbe= =Sority of'A=ricans are riscals,-to Put,it-matav, vith the exception'of 'We bad -no - @rorb e-, -in igetti@@S t6.-t@b'e 2 doctor's viez 'of the fact that tbr c)it :..Upon a@@iv-al there bL-- -v-p- 5very Subject- s@ffering, Afrom, a sore 'was t0 ins@ 'Li t vruc@ onso ingly follovl-d tji-- doc or .perative 'and vUl iL izzip 1:@i reirarked that be 'vm s very ressed Ai'.the- e-@@ vcre on i6ii@itai sa);in "that it 6-as. excer@-icnaily vit'h the dispensa.- Hfi ca-UL-d it the 9 2 rt :u _it a .neat a=dLrtb-@t-b@e-l@si ney r- seen any'@hing. o e4 @i @hat frcm'all er,@e.-Msx-.- LppearanCes @tbd'.li6smitaLl -.-as -A-i2m by:@-@ricii.=s:: IT- prais@4 tb,;--- iic>ctor Is effeciency ';'untA-v'e-r"y'4n-Ea3@ t,bL- end of.- e e=ami---stion ii asked the cLo<-tor'pri-7ately to-": 7.-",! 2 or ')@"v-aald ret:G'e--tbe Subje=t for aper@ic;d 6f 'eigbt' -7s --tlist be vou.1@d - 'i- - -t iC bypo of -ten--hoxu nii@@ d;26c' ii 9 VI!L tor tol me tbit: shoul effective ro:;@at -least- -el-ve bcqws.'- n e 0 tbl ci i:@i t b inisterecl tbe-bypo tb-@ e-- doctor nam SifDjec =s iieedli@.-@.. E '--said that' ob-v-ious3,T tb '^ - -, ., . -r. - - - - @. - - .-.- @ @ --- - - . @. - .-. - ;.Z - - - - -.N. - .r, %bad bad'.very-little exper2ence.and that up'@-t@o-tb'at"-po'-!7nt"b@i-IL-A-consiaered him - ..as-& friend but'. from and '62%s %@@ .r@ -@.- I -@ -@ 2 . '. .-- "-zzain.:'U@pon oT@;r!@.ux-n to the;,@zmfi; Subject state& -that be @--x@r=e3.y ml eepy,..-@ Stf6jEi=t. a reea a a-.sked e s 2 F-id th@t b6C A' -be ireil. Eabout ten @Z'b@d vaich t :ffelt very.- E2 - f@-mrc-h Sub '-did:- At:!.,00 AM'on tbe'-)i-o@-Lse for: mi soon -v--,na@ s up aszs our :.- little vbi3.e@ and 1 e, -e- P--i)d and then ock 5m -en@ in 7@