C)Fp kN' L)LQ4 F(IR TIM RE@-OPD SuBj-g,'T: 1-icetit@ of Ad lioc Wcrlcing Cc-.=-Atte's 1. At 0900 bours,.al meeting of, the Committee was h I in building to d scuss 2 further acmm@a in the assessment of Thosea attending were: F-r. Mr. 'Mief/- Coirac*@iloo-. Mr. A- nrl 2 D.7: Dr OnSU3.t -Psych St) Mr. etc 2, 14r, opene the meeting by stating that for the pas' week 0 W-;b&d beL- d 2 2--bYtO-O-And-thiLt Doet!!-Clr-A '7and-@@naci -conducted 61@olzgical PSY read the bio data.; T34'- Ifi;27 -Agwhad been coil o-ted and gaie his impressions of tbo-oibrect. Dr. c- exian -i@-some lonoth oR the GL'3@i ' ' spoke a nOa t iSo nwee @- j' c tbat L in @.,ducted.;, @ge gist of his.@,ecynn nts were is 'de.- itwiy. pIf@- T with both escapli 2 a schizoprenic@pa-ranoic St =9.mvp ce@u,-r@hapsl suicidal behaved very erra'klic2lly@,tbe 'past tendencies. The:Subject has week(e.g.,, kicking 'a 6indowout; turning candles"ilnd bul7os2 upside down., not sleeping at ill; making sexual approaches to'maids; sma-ibi g up ii tractor; poiiig. swimming nude; turning PiCtU--C3 to V2-U; v-2]drL-- somewhat -.Ud stitz=ents, etc etc etc). The 3iLa,-ation cd Dr. 2 remarks was 'that the Subject wi'l I need extensive a n7crapy, in a menl6,2-117 sick man, and would probably psychi iric t7 -cow have to be treated for. the next 3-.4 y@c=s,, ine'ludip r electric 2 _L.Le shock treatment. In respon'se. to a quer.@'-from Mr. @@ Dr. said that the Subject would be "fairly" reliable in g@iving WormrLtior '@'-in which he is no't@. identified person2-Uy a-nd 'wblich doe2s not involve people 'known to him., but J-u view of his 4:ontradictbrv statements and re@Tarks vmad certainly not be reliable, YX. asked @4 the possibilities of the Subject "fa"ng" his psycbotit-co-dition and wbeteber2 this ccwld be ascertained definitely. Dr. indicat@ed thilt this bad also troubled him- be then recc-ri;-.@n c the use of Sod-'@-@ Pentathol during the wcek-end of April. 26'ub.lo' 4. kdditional discussion followed on t2his p-oint,.,by several me:-.i@rs of the Co,--,mittee. Tne decisions arrived at were as follows: @:.-'O'.IEB FOS RELEME a. Wium 'F@--ntatboT-, wi3-l'be adninsitercd this week-end. I -JUN 5 1978 --w 133 be 7be debriefing 2md liqterrol-rtion of ";Jbje@ct procecd v,,4 up to the time of th, as 7"no iglib2lect of the inte,-ro on... this WtL-k Wi'U be c@-n 40 wil include 'Vi;s- t: 2 de Interroc-atiozl7 on- tn C- ese jro tal.4 ',tbe infl ii-ac@e wbi-lo quca'ion3 will'a 2 of - Sod,,Lim--Fentatbo. I P'cResac:IcWibo,6 -.., Ona fides.0f,prev2i -'rasponses;@ CRI3 a'. Dete'r@'m-i nation of tb&WOUucome of be'contin.,ent on th I 'ex-*-millation, 2 Anotber meeting Of th f c ve z ea wi3.1 take place next ek. 7'no ""-attar of -psychi&txfc-rchabi2f--Llzti wU be fVr-Vner-explored in ' -CIL 'the'-I@nterim l@ 7 the Psycholovical -paychilltric staffB.,@i,