U-f,p 10 Ita=h 1955 DI-APR FDR THTJ@,S el four rontls Dr. who in an CM_ of has conducted a jsexs--s of tecu at his i=-d42- in g Dr has "z;isted b a few of (7 ek@ift and some In---Iudin,., a! tests, -which axe conducted along the line of certain experimnts 5-a are asaiiened to wbalare-e the ego of the indivichml t-cated, L2@ventuaUy they be of significance@in the prisoner of imar lnt-p-@gation field, has contrjbated his nerr5cea gratis@ because of hin keeik.prc@fessional Interest. This derived frco brmin vurgery. Be U one -6:t the few 2 on the brain to relIL-vaim met SO= but I have read the papers he has pre-- su=mary *a his experimemts at CM 'o&icb b,- d.-z-fted 2, C)a 28 FL-braarrl955@ M 7- 2 @in( = of the Ptyrbolo,,,Ical I."es=ent Umit of the Office in to advise that he had just ,fi.ub@.d reading the pertinent isections of the 700-pN.* OW doc=ents, and that theze were certAU questions he vinbed to raisai,-MUW5 hp"7 been "signed the task of det@6r=iaing what- Is being,&-96715A Ithe Agency and elbep- vbere in the bra4-n-@m-4,14 Cield, and to abLou3.d be assigned to monitor the fie2ld. wp-s f,*-il5@--r with the /I- 11111 llffexperiments., _I_gave-bim a c*p7 t su=u--r7. I -.nA#k arrange=ents @rcr In his office on 1 liar@ to discuss the im us PM I2VPorthc zr@el2o =advised tbat he had had a satisfactory session @it,@l addi' :Ional infor=at:Lon fr= MM US POT,,-files r 3 y and voula secure use.' Ee also &eked =2- x.t the suggestion of Assist=*2. Director* to pass to Cowthe information tha knew studies an brain--v-.shing. On 9 Y-arcbj, Lled -to advise me tb2t Dre bad bad just talepboned oy 2 A Clk ex@;.71 ee4 C reqnvs-ted ting later in asked to ic present at I Off ce Ituildinc lam neetim@', I telepboned 'WIemueritv rorql!ll 2xim@@ :7 ext. told his of SW irelatio:pshin of am-R&1:11.cnipa C tion nt!!Ij emd of =@@-es-tion tbatl@attend stated that ,,a- the 2 be =1 were going C- to me -mba bad just be fully clea@-edp to P-rticbokeN. I said of the general nature of this field. at-tted A- that as this was hft first session with NM= be would prefer not to @@di H JR present, I toldl2= of fjl= reco=endati&i, against his attendance. also =entiorled that the subiect rietter to be'-discussed,wr_s tbne, ne -#&ich batf H been of special concern to form -tiia-- case Du stated 9that, if that were sboul be warned Director). 412@ FOI AELEASE t f.--aitpal field for thnit Dr. l@@cud not think this 'rag 1 re-Irrcd t@--ib tO rlio c:pprecieted this briefinil on C, (h 10 r----= had had a very talk aibi&Mr,dv-ieed that ba .1 offico Tuesdars cy vitb Dr. askL-dG=&nd =a to r---ct bim in his 15 for AraU br5t--finv. on "Artic@hok0a 6, On 10 IL---rchs at a =atine with f T.CSS be indicated that his ec=pment in ru . rt clrious types of r-e-sc--tr-eb In tl-ds field* I iafo=d him brieflt of ei=%crL-:,ziTts at rmd rtated I =,ald /V like to get Up a X-=ting at w@nich us 0 b f bin ori tlbis /i.W PM,Jvct. I also r--atic=d ths auxvgy belrg condiated bT cuted be would discuss t-beir activities -nith lie cog Ile