2 Feb2,uary L Fat Gewrals Sa@JECTs specifial @"tation of OS Facilities for Tecting aged in se-,roral convor&sti=s 2 At ygur direction we havo ens and @@ 032 on the use of tbcir fa;:,AUtics for with Nessrs. r I;,- te eim = capabi3.i&@ies under quard-operational con-viti=so OS UF 1.0 curren y cl@ploying two fun2 ti:,e polylraph tems in the aSS03S=lt .7- of cru:Lts in and Yoro @@has as-,vred @7- ux!eli:veam ou ea--d profi'.,abl;r and @ca:oly within the frazw.;orocifIrltb&Wis Pro2gram. We are Waod tl@.at the i-lap potezti4 within this framewoecsould be at the opti== zLr@'-nmj the cubjecto and the cituation w@xld in each iz-w-tanco ba controlloble frm the cutseti, and the oper.-t-crB would ha-*e &:;ple opportunity to .-odirect the asseament at any point :La the event of rogative or hostile reaction or. the part ofa nubjc-ct. 2, To recapitulat-6 the areas or t-bo @@ techniquo to be tested# they am i 4t a* inductim of dl-ep trance in unv4.tli2ng r--id unAllinC mbjeatg@.. b. Rapid (i.e.v within seacnds) izilluction of de.-3p trance. Co Production of L-idefinitaly durable aiwwsia concerning It .the trance. d. Production of indefinitely durable cc-.ztr2ol of future behavior through peA hypnotic sug,;esucnj this woum include behavior in conf3.ict with the =bjeat3l norr-al P&tterng6 3. Authc.-it reauesteds Tho new ele@-iant In ttlis propowl In 2 autbo 'a 4 be de ou"= T that Zat-yy-M-Ld-7rc-rr..-,ate-d to the toot:L, -r-@ m-lial to docide on @ay be uacd. It is P,* 5, the ercund an a case by case baci0a uton rec==AA that this authority be obtain* t*xmough the ccr--Attles Lry- f-.%n @azd that this clazea of the pro-,,rw- W coordl=tea by you with Sam 41A -x