umenl ron!IiGis, ol k ot IT-=- Ttefcironco 7. Adronalim," AlcolioL Joe- Use- of co Analepticty Eff(3at 0-r Anasha (L fo= oc liashish), See -@@..,'AnhaloTli&ine curidi= 2 (ILimala,.r= Scopolia.) see ie Aphasia .I i Comprehens:Lte rtudy o.C p ol A i T-, Itethod for determixa-fion of Atrgpine - seow:. Atropin%. Detoldsication of Ayahu a asc - (An intoxicatint@ beverage in Peru) @'Contaihs- haminar as. the actire principle Banisteria Caapi -ine 2 Plant producing harzl Barbiturat,3s sea For. cannabi,3 For,h"hish A aS 'L"' can be detcc-',Ved- B( Iladonna Root 2 Sourcer: of'. scopolam:LnL, Also Icnom ae amphatamine.'rul--;Iia@e' ..tdazocaine Used &a 'it f or, cocaino an'adultor@L lte;ni-iD rug) 2 I)ctermination of, ,-.@romohaimine See albocaphil-w CL 'Can cau-ne po:Lsoiiing. Used b-,r, L-@pat Soo Clilorid@e 8 Tried as antidofo for cocaine, -oisoni-n- Reference C ar=bii3,- cann:Lbin Indica-Indi= llemp-i'laslliuh Cannibis@. Sativa, -Marijuhana., "t!- .CanrLa ol- b 2 IL phenolic c=pouiid mwlt, -ccvere4 'Line@ Carba- Card-tazal con-iulsion.7 Used by nussians@ ia treating schizophroni&"@@ Sm @Qatatonia Uoually pr2oduccd by bulbocapnine ow -a prodilcoa cL rimi.'Ia.r., Chanvrr-- (Fretich wor-I for hamp),@ litiv re sl,.,i drug). t', 'Wetiom of 2 C r .@f Chloral, hydrator Zffect on tissue: Chr=iuri Trio@--ida Used az reaGE3nt, ia test@ng for cocaine IIC Cocaine Cocaine@,'. for procal.-,e 2 @.Adulteration with benzocaine., Alcohol',az &a antido a- t D "Ass'a@@ i:iothodcl C)e Dat=a at-@a, -mine soitrce of Scopola 2 Di: Benzo 3rlaa D13r:l-,ratives. spithosi-a of Dicain e Substitut@c3d.for cocaine Functional from atimulanta DuboisJ-a Loicl@@dtii@ o(lucin-g alkajoids (hy-2oscine). Plant'pr Dubol a 4-a'myopoi o il o s(solariaceac)' co o , b)-osaino,.: Rich r-our r io, of, clrcoansly 4Igo F40lipine-' late=edia-t@e Co rcocaine Blectranarcoc.,-..-). by- au3aian ia meataj- therapt Ut3ed@ atudied. in, Spaiii Eucainct 2 Seer-' Fucodal See Russian on mental paticn s Us e cl by Fvipan Sodiwm See An a-at4dota. for cocaine i,Epicane FXfcct on blood pressure na 2 l@otliod, for dei,@ermina-ti ori oC tradiol- i@enzoate DetoGtion of Ether Uso on narcoanalysi,% a (A'Iiemp r,-:-in drug) Detection of Gonascol)olamine See 2 liuciiiatioiis@ IDL See 'orkecl on by, il=sian 7 L.G.Bibliograp@q -malol See, Harmaa See 'Worked 2 or. bT Russians ltution d-osc in COn:3t.. See ri-nco-umder F- PC He Oki laiggilldbibw. 4 Ucedb Rassian on mai-il.@Ll pa'ien",.', Y' fl Reforonce Ilimala7jan Scopolm (Anisodus curidus) t ...Sourccr of atropine an& scopolamine 4ydraStiaine, .,ITatha fo2r@ 'iaterminatiom. of Ilyoscamine, ?,.'atho@L for diatermi.,ia:Lion of An intermediata for the on of, cocaini-- ypnoanalysis, see 2 An --@ocial uce@ or ILypmthera PY' Tjccd, in Y;ar caseft Icoral Sect -T See ndoic, . 2 -*-Iharmina Indol-n--net', Stud@r of in fro"S' Indolo Series -ai.::i harmino tt I rhicli con244 siaia see,;, 'locldar[;entates The one 0-t cocaline iit d-izcusued. 'See Lc=n Plant (Chinat@,e)- Limonilc U@dd2,. on mental patients-. Lcphophora;, WilliamDii (sourc,3 o-f@-14orcalino) -ic see-.. Brainl-li,,a word, for. Carziatit Iiati-,ra. to' 2 uagnuslum Siilnha sc(3 uang tne r, o- Clilovide rabbits Liannital errj,,Iua in'atabiliz Urod by'. a Scop lBr @iar:ihuana, - Totrahyttrocannabinol,homolog3 and.; analoga w:Lth'UarJhu@;Lna acti-,titjr' E3XIar-J(3noca t).C; volun tear. subjects,. 7 igiiiiii@; t@-czri Peference low IkesaaJ-inet see a--MetllylococA-i no@ SyrL (3f Yatrazol2- Uced, im conjunatioa 'rrith blosaine, IiBr', llo ,.in i-n rental therap7, rft,d by Ru!3r;i' lbrphina liydrochloride See ".'Iffotian Sockness 'druga used on mtjmfr sickna Atrupine like Y13 itarco-anal ii3i See also knam. as Fentobarbital- SoditLn) li=butal 2 ILLootin4a' UsecL by- lbisaian L-i stiuly of coritraj- norlrou@@@ system @litroua oxi(]Z Use of :La n=ca analyais liovacaine lee 2 ilupercaine toction o.C cocaine in mixt!Llres of De Paatocaine Poiaonin. Faatopone Used by Russian in mental therady Farahexyl. (A, mar@Ur=a. active substance 2 Stud-iccl bl Loet Fe.Uotine Analytical matliod for, Pellotim, it, govarated from anhaloriiun crirl Fento th RI o Sa2o- Pl=caine De to:dfi@at:Loa of ilani,- producing harmine Phenacetin@' Used by@, Russian in mental c all PhenamineT Used by Rits sian on do0gs, o t@,, C=para se lemo n d to-Chine )lant PholWI-thio-urstli, Loc.-LI. =iosthetica Picrato 'a] Analytical m(3thod Cor idonlifyinrr al-k -oid'3 rrc)caino DOtcct:Lorr of- 2cocair@c ia the prc!senca of' LeaA, and. mercury tialt protect ar@,ainst -detection of ?Jicra rrotcrf;ol, Tnccrip4tal)i-lib:r of cocainer wit'.@L Psy-choloGical Tlan:Lfi33tationi3.or,dxurs... ia on rarcoati.-ay@9 S@ectio. is pul ogcng pyr .011 -ecL b- U. It,,isaians in mental cases Rol=qliach. Ter-t cosia,and h@pnosis .4 Uce oC yihile urder-nar '4 Ruscian worlc Cocaine! Cmmabia, lwx=Ling 2 lzcocalina @i;,.. - Scopolazziuc-: -timulant ;in Siberia)- saxfla,-,-P-.r as a c S, IL Plarit@L PrOC'I'CL-lg_ al"Aalo'dq Viiich ha3 bccn inveatil,,at(,,d by th Sali3olino 7 An -he 11-uzciafts alkaloid :LnTestigated b@r -L- -far to mo a c 2 d. n(3 -net Sccpola=A pha--,.,aCOlogic:al,actionsj, and clinical,'use- till 4 lit 7., 17 Scopol=ine ,d I:or R-ussians in ophl,,halamolocical Prar-ticol casa of,poii3orLinG- Found :Li Datir& alba 2 Solanacaaa) I)ubolsiz. myoporoidee Tialladonna, Root, Scopolamina PolaroGrapilic. ctudy-. of scopolt].A Used !Ln CSR':., 2 Uz(3d wiui'benzidrone. and caffeine a3 Well as 'llorw SCOPOlaxLillo ML -,oxide -obromido hy,(L To:Uciby s tudy, in CO.,uP# W:Lth SCO2P, imr Scopolamillc-!' ph,3tamina-L@Imtal Used. in accidant siirnrl in. I.TLulich(,t) son V'Zlll d-ity- aconfessions 2Roli-r-.chacii Test Sodi= 13al-bital Used-for narcQcia."'. So4= cul)ribroride rea--nt .Ls a din datecting 13 --d for narcos-4iz 2 @"Sodi= Tiodana+,o )Ge soll=ceae (nulooi-@3.a myoporaides) R:Lch so of- hyi=C.An(3: (311 Tried au an' -Li dote :Ln cocaim p2oisoning aii AncO.y-aii of con llicro-ch@ri dctorminatiom, of -.Jepazat-IL.,oa'..from cocain6 3NNW LffOC46-@ On rierve @iot;lk,3 ------------ f !3cc -Styphnic Acid sow. Cocaine Ccrpolmds TrLth =sralina. 2U u-iniart, Jr, tr,,,at inf,',Bchizophreni S Itur compounds 10-tud:r of ijech,,Irlif5pl in rmnt.-a proccsses S5,atliesis of lncz'2cgsc the toxicitr ot.'cocaine. Tropacoca:inc idcntiricld bY t@C metallo brom:Lde co-,3ple,@ 'Trop@orionc Intr-r-.7adJa4- in tllg Synthet3je@ of duced by- t4.te rtuasi pro Tmtli Scrum n-periMC)nta a&r t -iolat 'lirlit U.Itra-v Filtered (oz an analytical tool) .01 8 Ar