To: File Subject: SI and H Experimentationi 5 December 1951 on WeUnesday@ 5 December 1951 51 And H imentp,4gLec@arried uilcling 13p, om,2 li .6B a;W-M-MUe7rq present also. 2 .4 S,in this was the initial visit b and sinc ad not particip@Lted in any of the experimental work i the k .@t was decided that a basic exp@anation would past f ive -o --IJx e @s. T we be give g eral t2erms and only simple tests for sug- gestabi ity.wou.La t)e run during this session. The writer explained t gen ral type of work being carried on in this off ico@e'- d@e ii-is and important matters aTLitted) and explained to her the use of volunteer subjects in connection with some of the experimental work. 2 At the conclusion of this general discusi@AW, the writer at- -tempted the a nrinrxL-fAl 1- na back test wi --- very poor results. ot)viously resisting the suggestions. it should be note , however, that some slight swaying was produced. Thereafter, the sta.Ddagl,4ip4=,@-ising test was undertaken, but the writer noticed that response in this connection was s very slow; fifteen minu eae being required to produce a very simple small rising of the hand --&=.t. A@ain the writer and his associates clearly noticed thau --as notco-operati2ng and apparently was in fact attempt the test. Thereafter, a short perigd hich further matters were discussed wi At the conclus@26 0 an laxatio est S 2 t 20 mi nutes. Bot Yy-ga7ve the impressi-- -f- !T!tWa@-n or, the writer and Messrs.1 agreed that the subjects were both either faking or "play acting" ertain degree. in this@test, at least to a c After both s9ubjects were awakened by the 123 method pted by an eye f i.Xit="tiii. method to place 7RIg@air@i h@asleep-condition. responded, or at ast went through the motions of_i@t ning w eared to be a sleep state, a 'felt that her actions were but again the writer,-,.,,,..,- v@ not authentic and not @roperly CO-0 ve. The evening's work was concluded af2ter this with a short dis- cussion. COMMENT In the opiiuon v were completely unsucce's:@f@u@sin@be-@zl:t appeae -Jilffh'a(d either given instructions or had co c n adv. n advance. Wheth2er or ncrt absolute fakery was prese co not be determined and sirips the tests were volunteer, the subjected were not challenged along these lines. It does appear, however, that very litlti e- - w o r k -I..Aay-7 done in the future with e:ith unless 7 e g to it can be shown that they ar completely willin' co-operate and are interested in the work other than merely an excuse for piling up overtime. T'