imp", To: Files Siibject: SI and H -Experimentation (26 September 1951) On 26 September 19 51 condu@te SI t u and H experimen's sin as- All in ton2) absent from W' 9 Based on previous work with bot an- lag and,the writer felt that every effort shou be--Mlqde--to Fge"tmeorm@ine"wiether or not these subjects were in fact being induced into an SI state or were, from time to tiirie, 111)1,:ly actingl@. 'dith' this in mind, it was de6ided primarily ,16o conduct a se es-of tests to determine whether or not ..were suc- cessfully induced into an S or, not, @pecifically to wiiat depth2lof hypnotic control had been obtained in each of their cases. The first test consisted of a very slow methodical routine re- laxingtechnique in which every effort was made 1-y the writer tTo place both subjects in a3 deep a trance state as possible. I'his test was continued for arout 15 minutes. 'nien the subjects, before 2 k!@uipg., wer n the post hypnotic suggestion that if either e give the writer touched the knot of their tie, they would immediately, after awakening, return into a de%ep trance state. Both subjects apparently attained, in this test, a deel) sleep state appearing very relaxed as far as body posture and facial 2 expression were concerned. They were awakened by the standard 123h5 method and shortly thereafter in a general conversation, the writer tested the post hypnotic by touching the knot of his tie. Both subjects responded to this suggestion and immediately dropped into a deep sleep state. They were awakened from thi2s and a briefgeneral discussion followed. The next experiment attempted was b .10 ag in ipep st After some placed both subjects in apparently a dee simple conversation while in a sleep afate, lioth subjects were told to open their eyes and maintain a normal appear2ance and carry out certain walking and other type movements in the Operations Room. ,U@.iects followed these instructions perfectly. Thereafter, returned them into a,_,ilegp,-,stiLte. At this point and o a awa ening, the subjetts) gave them the post hypnotic that they would be una@ mov6-bne of their feet.-which would be stuck to the floor where they were then sitting. h then awp-kened'@.,oth siihjects by the short 123 method @ind t e Post hypnotic was-tried. flowever, the post hypnotic failed to work for and @ir aL hoii thr@ opinion of Plr. i deep -ere in a a eepstate when the pos ug est This phe- nomendn cannot be explained at this 2 time. Since the ad-,f a@@@_,,.@o oncl,isively ,dll-,rmine c whether or nad pronerly reached -ce si ammoc3o@@t@rned both @ubjects to a 2 a very deep ran sleep state by using the previous post hypnotic of touching the knot f h' cornplied,,irnmcdia tely. is ch -c s .Ther-eaf@ in tend her right arm out PWI&- on to the 9 illow a xtend her left arm out into the same position. en instructed the sub- jects that their-@arms were lild be insen3ible to, feelings in their arms or hands. hen tested this by pinching both subjects' ha2nds an by tapp ng n both hands with hi5 fingers. When questioned concerning thts, both subjects stated that they were unable to feel pain or any touch sensat' hands or arms. Since this was still not conclusive pro asked the subjects to extend theirhands out in a typica catalepsy. Thereafter, he told the subjects that he had a needle, 2 which he had, and he was going to prick their liands to determine whether or not they were able to feel anything. proceded to prick both subjects' hands on ttie ba palm a number of times and with force and neither subject showed any re- action to the prick of the needle at any given time either by arm movement, facial movement, eye movement, body2 movement, or sound. At the conclusion of this test L-stored full d awaker7ed-the@- t 123 feeling to each subject's arm an by the shor method. In the very considerate opinion of and the writer, both subjects were without qu2estion in a eep tran e state during this test and it is believed absolutely physically impossible for the subjects, had they not been in a trance state, to have maintained their arms and hands and facial expressions, etc. when pricked with :.4 needle, particularly with their eyes closed. While this test indicated that the subjects could, upon oc2- casion, reach a deeptrance state, further tests were continued. The writer placed both subjects again in a deep sleep state And attempted ag;in, by using the 1 to 10 counting inethod, to pro- duce a very deep sleep state in both 3ilbjects. Tllerea-fter, the writer attempted to create the liallucinition that ni2usic was being played in the room, buth neither subject was ablf- to "he,.ir" the music. -The writer then took a half glass of water anci identified it as perfume and asked each subject to sniell it and whp-ther or not they tliought the perfume was pleasant. identi.- .fied t0he water as Chantilly and stated it was t. low- smelled the witer ind identified it as perfume, but went no rther than this. ingama&LoS to Produce further hallucinations, tol a ha2t thef could hear no sounds but'tlie voice Of h r that nothing would disturb thein. At th s apped his hands loudly a few inches from each su loud hand- clap produced no reaction w ala.Q!B-Ytr,in either subject and since their eyes were closed bot 2 .1 d the writer agreed that both subjects were in a deep sle The writer then restored to both subjects a complete sense of hearing. At this polnt, the writer dec o..try & more complex hallucination attempt. The writer to NW-that she would reniain in a deep sleep state and2-woiild ar riothing unless she were addressed directly by name. then apparently continued in the deep sleep she was at this time. The writer then instructed op n her eyes and to act., walk, and appear per- which she would, althoaab.-=.i-Tiaininp,, in a 'very de@-p sleep state. The writer then asked -f she wolild care h ball and stated that he woufd t-a-re.-'on"e at the swne time. ated that s@e would like a higtihall and tne writer proc 2@.xlass of water f2rom the carafe, take a glass of. water himse fillwsted the water and said- it was P,,ood- but light. e writer as otild like ?iiore whisky placed in the highbal' n4" eplied that she would., The writer again went t th oured more water into the 2 c gi:ss ho stated that it tasted glass and handed the fine. At about this point,' apparently either awakened or-reached a very light sleep state and began to lauf,71i ur)roariously and continuously. This laughter apparently distract and2 she too began laughing;since it was then O'@,vious that t @X-@ periment had been ttf)set, the writer returned both subjects to a sleep state and then awakened them by the 12345 method. Thereafter, the writer and ft@ -Ibhad a (liscussion with in 2 0 the subjects concern voe" inciden@.' Froin the discussion, it becane obvious thi a coinplete t t te as iki ra entire situ@tioii, tCT@sf7e state-d--thaħ@,st)e hear 2 aughing in-a "faraway manner". ai 1 memory of the incident and, in the opinion o and the writ P,_I_@L.@5uccessfully carr-iihg out h experimf-n tiowever, stated, when pressed as to why 7h g- she had heard all of the expp-riiient with 2 that it struck her huinoroii@sly because she kii-.@w as not drinking a highball, but was drinking plain ated that the whole procedure had struck her humor- ously,and,she could not help laughing. To conclude the evenings work and t r) fiirther to re- solve the.questionzof@"play acting".,- laced both. 4r;- eaf ter, in- subjects a a -211 a (ieez sleep state. i r -i-o contitiue in a sleep state hile he to tnormal"i and procede into the i or- ;i open ner F&,yes, ac2t at a desk whore she would receive and to seat herself ory ro m . t t the opposite further instructions from the wii,@@who w@ould be a desk. Jiftediately thereaf ter) carried out these in- structions and mov2ed into the !*Ydrato room. When she sedted herself at the desk, she talked in a normal manner for a few mo- ments to the writer and then to mak n that s4e was in a sleep state.,.the writer returned nto a sleep state, and head resting on he writer allowed 2 remain in that position a few moments, t@en he again ins@Yluct,-!d her to open tier eyes, talk, car al conversation, but continue in a deep sleep state. did this in an exceptionally good manner and for pd aps six or leven minutes,Ishe carried on a clear, intelligent conversation concerning general matters with the writer. 2 .,,.At the conclusion of the conversation, the writer returned o.a deep sleep state and then awakened her by the howor.- 123r5 j@e"t n he meanti e hen turned his attention to m 2 ,qnd a.ttei dr ve her into a very deeo sleen cess-for a number of minutes, then state. continued this pro -mal while re- instructed her to open her appear noi, II, man-- 2 m deep asleep. @ihel ope -d her eyes, d ked her if wa,3 def@p asie!7an repiiec. waR not told! @r s and into a de '4 ep sleep s 2 hich apparen 1 d an' also -p-P, here -te t y awakene y the short met c d the wri 3 a o the oper- 2 ter re rn- ations room. After some g cussion, both subjects were placed in e @,LS , , sleep state by o T,.nen removed al7l post hypnotic a words, signs, et nued then in the routine protective man2ner. Both subjects were immediately awakened thereafter and concluded. the evenings experiments were Comment: th 3 above are not considered conclu- 9:m - t givt" riter have come to the following 2 conclusions: (A) In the case o.L she attains a once reached that deep SI very slow,, trut hav state is a very good subject and maintains the deep trance state continually. 3 -4- gyp wig man In the case (A- h-i- a@jility to reach a deep SI st-ate moves in c-,cies or wa7es. At one time (as in the anesthe"i-zed hand incident and hand clappincl- 4@.nci@l-int.2) sfe reached, obviousl3,, a very deep SI state while as in the incident of the laughter mentioned above, sh' e either came naturall-,- out.of the 51 condition or reached stich a light state that the activit aro,.ind her brok2e her c-at of y SI condi'Li c-i. in a--@,-; -'L lio.-7, and t' bel-Le,-e 1. r I- o th sub4ects ,nere Ls scr-e rendenc-.r toward "play which icularly noticeable in the earl.y steps with gradually disapl)ear as the work progre ses the tendency follows her pattern and comes and goes in aves. Further work is essential with these subjects-and is-par- .t ork experiments in which botib@@ -C U La@r are separated. ivi.t