-- --------------- - - ---------------------- - To: ;Files Subject: SI and If Experimentation (21 September 1951). On Frid!@Ly, 21 Septet@r th,@@17.il er conducted an experi- ment using SI and H wi Li -- This experiment was conducted in Room 20, Du 2 The,purpose of this experiment was to determine wilether a post hypnotic would operate effectively upon the subject and to see if amnesia could be created in the subject. An SI state was induced into the subject, at which-time, she was told that each and every time the writer stroked his hair she wouj-d immediately go into a deep 2sleep. Subject was further told caild resist and fifht this post hypnotic as much as she cared she to. After the subject was awakened, the writer stroked'fiis hair and the subject went into a deep sleep. The subject was again awake@ned and again a deep sleep was induced by the same methocr The subject was reawakened a2nd siihseqtiently indticed into a deep sleep by the post hypnotic gesture a total of three times. Each and every time the subject stated she would try and resist, but could not help hersel-f. A state of SI was induced in the subject and the writer queried the subjedt regarding her first her. The subject replied that2 her first-.year teacher wa The writer then told the subject she would have c 15let@7'@i@hesia upon awaken- ing. When the subject was awakened, she was asked if she remem- bered anythina that had occurred while she had been under the SI state. The subject replied that she did not remember anytiiing. 2 'The subject.wa!3 then told that she had stated that her first-year d wit teacher was h this jog of,memory, she did recall-that she @ai @@i@s while under SI. i On 21i -September 1951, the subj@ct stated that until.this port was dietateds she did not remem0ber anything that happened re under the SI state, i.e.@the sequence.of the events that tran- under the@SI state.@ A 4- ftr 4 ff, Pt