To: Files Subject! SI and H Exl)erimentation 31 July 1951 (1@ooms 20 and 3, 6:oo to 9:oo Pm). On Tuerciay, 31 July 1951, @less active participation) and tile writer 2,C uc@p__@@mix=K in SI and n 6:00 and 29:00 PM wi@, and s subjects and observers. Prior to the first test, stibjects were briefed and a,discussion was hild concerning previous work and some coiitemplated future ac- tivity. The first test was a continuation of the "normal" movement, winorma2l" conversation and message transmittal test. Each test being run separately with one subject workina--al e other two observing. 'nie test itself corisisted of placin n Iloom 3 and giving him a code word. Then each subject in t @@was placed in a deep trance state in Oil lini,.aadowere told to riemorize a2 sentence which they could rey at t nly after ki-- h.,id used the code word. Each subject wis ttien sent rom OF Room to R iy "norrial" in all ways except being under @full SI contro hen inter- ..t viewed each suhject, asked ?ach a number questions and then tried to get each subject to glp message" without using the code word. In each cas as un@@@le to obtain the messa the subjects unti eri the code word, alt'hou@; ried argument, pleading, and deception, etc. to 2get the message w thout the code word. Af ter each subject had written out the message fo rol. n she returned to OP Room and was removed from the SI con each case, totala,-nii,3sia for the act was obtained. At this lioint, all individuals mo-ved to tile air2-conditioned Room tio. 3 and a general discussion was held regarding the above tests. The next test was designed to carefully observe all subjects ng in a "norniall' social tyl)e conver- under full SI control engagi sation, 'both among themselves and with ot2hers. This test is im- in that it would indicate that good subjects, under full I control, c.ould L,6 introduced at cocktail parties, a.,39emblips, offices) And talk and.act "normally", yet, 3t all times, be in a trance state. ;'.'All subjects were induef-d into a deep trance, tiien after a deep '7,reached all were restored to "normal" activity. There- state was after, a general rambling discussion wa.9 held in which all hands .,participated." This lasted about,.15 to 20 minutes when subjects Aonm were returned to trance states, then awakened. Ali had total attiiiesia, but discussion afterward restored 1)artial memory. it is of'int,--rest to note that a special hallucination test, under- taken during the above test was unsuccessful--probably due to improoer 2 preparation and confusion. This, however, is not regarded as important -at this time. The third test was aimed at perfecting tiie regression techniques of the operation and o@,serving and studying sut@jects in regressed states. This test is regarded as I)eing.very important and B will make every i3ffort to develop this techniqu2e since in information obtaining activities successful regression riay be vital. Each subjqAL.VAA.,E@iven regressive instructiojis--aLt@E!r dee trance _p was ilelic -- s regressed to age 6, o age 17,.and ressed to age 11, the age 1 In general, the tests were moderately successful, l,ut regression was only partially ol)tained and there were no markedly characteristic or spontaneous talking. What information that was ob- age activlties tained was obtained by questioning an(i none of the su@-jects "r2e-live(I'l earlier experiences. P- Of her All su@,jects had total amnesia and in ttie cas return to an awake state was very slow and it was necessary to induce sleep and awaken her three times before she I-,ecame fully awake. 2 -k is neces- In the opinion of the writer, a great deal rtiore woi sary along these lines I-efore entirely successful regression techniques v for rapid,one shot types. are obtained--particularl, See notes on this experiment, taken by attached. 4 -2- IV-A* ts ANEW 2 ..... .. .. . ---------- - 5 77 14 14 Lf, 4@7 7.1 7 AML - ---------- - u C3 JF tb,, 00,