19 2// 3 To: Files Subject:, SI and I] Experimentation) 9 July 1951 (Room 20, Building 13) Further research was continued in Room 20, -ruiiding 13, on 9 Jul' 195.1, with the above subjects. Tests results and observations y are included as follows2: had returned anticipating furthe exnasaaaa- @'a o@Irn'w-alnp s@6@@m@-ed ous to continue at once om a 1 and exgressed- sire ol r oth ere somewhat un- exp a E(r a X"p Irwe q2spa i'd esi@s a bserve only. Noting that was the only one who was eager to pal-tic ipate, the oper at some subtle mgAna.QL.Q"uading the others to participate was very desirable- consented to being induced for a short time to de e others. (The operato2r believed that by witnessing the tr Suggesti- bility is improved in those witnessing.)- was then awakened and much of'the embarrassment haid-lsappe-a--r'ed. The operato r feels personally that before this aide.can be used with any measured success in obtaining information, that subtle and covert means of inducing SI must be hi2ghly developed. The operator must be very adept in covert and subtle application in every case. Anticipating this and feeling that suggestil-)ility could be increased covertly, a recording of mass SI was offered to those observ-ing to arouse their interest and perhaps subtly induce the ce desired state. The2 operator remained silent and as the recorded voi con ome few minutes, it was noted that with the exception of who had previously been conditioned that no voice ex- co he operator would affect herin any way), all present- had completely relaxed and had closed their eyes. The recording was continued for a few minutes and sto@ped. Using the same man- 2 ntinued nerisms as near as possible, ator took over and co Pnect-.an relaxation suggestion. awak d was asked d 0 eL I tu .4,4 ediate 2 nt n o a soinna bulate_@@tate lio-w-ed-to some, lesser degree. Do an ere given post SI suggest.ions for ease in ed state in the future ed rea ately tested and again went under 51 iinme ho L is considered an e0xcellent subject, was not teste a his 'time. As previously mentioned@ the most conclusive thought ntried persons brought out.at this particular sitting,was that u C+ C+ 2 =r CD C4 03 (D 0 ED 2 t:r rL ti P 2 CD (D (;Q .0 C/I co F- 2 0 H. :s 2 0 11 In 0 P 0 2 Ca (@r 04 I 10 7. 2 I-- F- 0 (D C4 2 cD r- CD 0 2 (D (A 0 0 F 2 0 2 rL ::r ct (D P- Fl 2(D @i co fu 2 aq 0 0 2(D F" $Z H- CL 2 CD (:71 Fi Cl) 2 0 0. (D 03 (D c+ 2 :3, cu (::r cor 2 H (D C@. CA 0 tD 2 0 0 03 0 2 0 CD Ul Fl- U) 0 2 C4 2 ;:r aq 0 P- ci- CD F' 2 CA C+ 2 C+ a 0 2 m 0 cn 2 (D 0 cf- M Fl- :3 2 (D u-4 (D =r 2 (D CD H 2 C4- 2 0) P) :3, OIQ (D 2 CL cr 2 C4 (D ::r F, CD 2 :3- CD 3 0