;-172 22 October 1952 On Wednesdayp 22 October 1952t inaccordance with proposed plans as set out in the preceding memorandum, SI and H Vpe.Elga nt s. we r C in Builjl" 2 ith y Messrs. immo -W p 0-m@ W-W, V For mattdr of record,,the subjects mentioned above w@re entirely new volunteer6.',i thi r ecome interested t)3 ough the n s w k who had b r 2 hers and recruitment efti who had shown sufficient inter e l@efi@atio willing to cd-operate. In view of this, d requeste%A .Vo attend this. session for two a irst to act as ane2F-e-rienced observer 2and to show by demonstration some o@ the simple processes in the hypnotic technique. After a considerable discussion, in which of the Artichoke work wer nted out to the three subjects, wbrking with Lnd the writer, demonstrated nu mple hypnotic J qu e s S mple tests were given2 for suggestibility (falling back, hand raising, dtc.@ etc,)- .14 In the case o results were about normal f results were excellent in that e nto a hypnotic sleep and was held in that co on or a er of minutes by the writer. 2 After the simple suggestibility tests were concluded, all of the subjects were neral explanation of the slow relaxed process and the MiLf a s w relaxatipp tec he .10mot@ll in tnis, 2 o@b a@n7(f a de-ep'h-yp od notic sleep and the other -t":,i"ga'v6 indica su t on of being able to obtain a good hypnotic sleep in the future with more work. Since this was the first attempt with the new subjects, the 5 tests were concluded after an exp@anation and the session ended at approximately,9:15. 4 i