aj 3.1 TO: File Subject: SI and H Experimenation, 30 January 1952 d n 2 On Wednesday, 30 January 1951,, s men werm zax-r-iq 0 th Mi .. s in B-uilrilma--l-U-Room 20,, wi 2 by '@iw3srs attended-primarily amein shor or a matter of record,@ the k 4;i begun. 2 Jw'Mi'i&--had attended primarily as an As stated above,, 'f: 1: @e n@t observor but in exce 2 capacity as a hypnotic subject, ty in d ode 0 r?Litp 0 the writer aske 2 Accordingly, ofm hypnotic work for t 10 --'W. the writer place a ee ranc 4 @,a n,a_i4tter of a few se_qd 2 her 0 owed _n_d 44 4 p dtr gnIXolgL_ -nd he sh mi could o en her es, carry.on a 2 main in a very norma conve a c etc. and still r deep trance sta had demonstrated this for about five to six mi s kened her by the usu2al 123L5'method. After some discussion of the general subject and remarks on a slow relaxation techniq ckdtemons al@ ipu,. -the Wr I 2 .n a dium trance state for ap- P, aOd both proximately ten minutes. e r returned both girls to an awa-ke state,,using the usual post Hsuggestion-regarding sleep, by the 12345 2 method. hen using a more rapid technique, placed a m ce state and tests were ma in de for depth thro h standard experiments such as open inability to move t2he arm, arm catalepsy, e, arrie versation with n awaken the .123L5 method H suggestioa ed -the back 2 of his chai w immediately go to sleep.. Shortly after awaken L apped the back of his chair with a' pencil went into a good, medium trance state. 2 aken'ed her from this by the 12345, method. After a Si hs then using the same short mothod,place n ghter trance state and 2 &"d her for depth with te op he eyes arm c a ta-le-as then carried on abrief conversation wit and ned her by the 45 method after giving her,a on that when 0 the .123 p chair on which r-vas si 6t a certain w,a @-x@agved -- y would fall asleep. Sho af telo was aw ake:nea, moved the chair a 2 ypno *mu weau immediately into a trance state. axened herusing the usual 12345 method. r-a bried discussion concerning the hypnotic state induced, ced both gi i*d n a medium trance state. There- rls ly 2 -aLt amicrophone n a s stions with e r and tape recordel answ@e S. bein h ld Now_ trance state during thludaLirsLgonversation. e 'mike over to 2 @ion,-d turned the ho quesi flowever, the one pq@nt r ng- e questioning, -; "@rng though'. she were a 7ke body and blinked her eyes, a n immediately 8 stopped the questioning. Shortly thereafte awakened both girls by the usual 12345 method and with the usual pre- cautionary suggestions. The work was concluded short before 9:00 PM. wag