....... . ... TOt File. SMJECT Si and H Experimentation, 24 Februa2-,r 1953. ite!r aond etec Q@ Tuesday., 24 Februar:r 1953., 2 the w u -1. Si I!Lnd t ests withl and smentioned previously good'""bwjwect, wab not used in the testing but su w m nlyin the 2capacity r and-t" help control some of the experiments. of an observe O' Si,n,e had shown an increasihg ability in 1, Jr"-TXREFMPR-W - -1@ 4. the wor severai. acivanc experaiaents in "norma2l movemen est as were carried out during this session. Both a all gi-o@D 'ldiiiF'13, peratir4,, individually, were able to move ov Ul n normal conversations, r2espond to numerous tests and in each instance c arr-y o had definite amnesias for the total activity during each test. Since these- tests wen quite complicated, involving extensive movement, extreme cpiestioning, eyes opened and closed at-jarious times and lasted in each instance between 30-40 minutes. The fact that both subjects were able to obt2ain a good amnesia is regarded as qtiite significan@. Test3 were also run the evening involving control., using a control s tem irrvoiv-in ho def inital.@r YS has no H ability. In addition to the above, both d a ve2ry high capacity for reacting to FH suggestions. -F f record, it would appear at this point that and -ill become excellent subjects if they continue to wor 0 the 17=11OKE Problem. Both appear to be extremely interested and certcl!nly appe,-tr to -b e of very advanced work. A@. s Roint, it should be noted a@b tha -1 s somewhat better than 10 '@i, dig,