Ile To: File Subject: SI and 11 Experimentation, 7 JulY 1953 On 7 bluly 1953, _@T _@@rimentation @,iapggc@ndWted in Building 13 using 6 jects. After talk li the2 subjects for sometime,.@ took while vatched. ingly He was able to induce Ite tnosis which tias not succespful in son2 f @e tests nor was he ,2 C. '61e to bring about a somnabulistic state. a 2 tated she @ias able to be induced more easil,,, in the past but f more diffi-cult now, Some of her problems were answered and assurance was given that sheyduld be able to go under with ease in the future. en too __@aind using a different method Of inducti e brj-ng ]7e-r -to a somnam1bulistic stage. A series of sensory tests were successful and then she was directed to open her eyes and walk about the room and speak which she was able to do without difficulty.