-To: Files Subject; SI and It l@xperi-meiitation, 16 Sei-,teml-)er 1953 On 1.6 'O'eptember 1953, 'O'l and H IIx@)erirtienta rpw@ dilog 13, with d 2 s SI I a After a general discussion condticte(i b -dowmaii- T)f:lrimen-Ced with n the ,,hand levitat-Lon" test was succpssfttl aiid c wen into a ti,aiice by cont-.i2-nued li ana wis siii@i,estion. Then o.nertliesia and seiisitiviLY of eac This at she would sleep upoll siulial. tried. A Pit was "Iven th t' 2 11 shp- r,@,me,nl)er(?d wAs also successcul althotigh lat@,r s d if slie had whg@ the signal was and slip could liave rez3is-te desired. L.ooki2w@nnd had h(,r tall oX!;Dpn lier eyes, walk around the roon and th@2@l t 3he was @@@tLa ik re then seated and awakened Sul-ijects Pnd put th,?m into a6 hypnotirtrance wit3l@@beinC, lilgliter than the rest. .7.