ITAVOMW FORM t4o- "UNITED STATES. GOVERNMENT ,,,office Memorandtim ber 1953 TO FILE DATE: 25 Novem FROM ec SUBJECT: Special Training Proi 2 3 through5November 19530 -A o the 1:05 AiM, arri 4 T 2 eclinica"rwawne@On Y@Pn6si@i la7,3 November L953 He was met by Mess in Airport and after heeking he was taken immediateiy to lunch. ft o a ge2neral .Zr,rkp n 2. Between 1:00 and 5:00 Ft-lp d srs work session was held with Mes aimed at deve-Lopmen=o plans for the ith present w Washington and at hypnotic' -remain der of i@u- work in general. on Tuesday, a fi St. 3. From 6:00 esgpt 2 are l@iessr a 0- cess of o s=erv7ng a ici "th6-@ior MOOR demonstrated hypnotic methods and techn2iques with go The work, in general, was routine b ideas and delivery techniques and-PIE@. @r3,sms-were car served and n e_, noted by all: present. -ffered comments and some 2 discussion as each e The evening was devoted to o the bulk of the hypnotic work in coming to '4ashington was to de- tion t- lpnd secondary attention to,2, ar as assTs7i"ngm72hem in hypnotic techniques. 1 conference was, 4. @@ednesday, 4 November 1953, a genera held between 10:00 and 12:00 in th -MO ing-OTL. he--)I@potic work. with Messrs --land n Again 2 =Oday, ri 4:0 in the afternrjotn o@@el betwee :00 and 0 e"nce and critiaue was -h@, t A-e e=e 2 d rese n informal7Fatiire" @a-of a more or s -table discussion involving any and all subject matter less round and having to do with the practice of hypnosis and the relation of-hypnosis to t2he ARTICHOA program. mber 1953, between 7:00 and 9:3Q---P-l@l,- 5. On Wednesday) 3 Nove onducted by 1 demonstration in hypnosis was c aspecia d trati in Room 24, Building 213. Pres(,nt emons from ice and ion individuals -the hypnotic work. -In additi 7t fe frtLEee:Ll tended. .No official count was made of thos S 2 5-30 people attended. or approximately 16-15 minutes at lked f g neral and then the start of -the"geowmlooiwistration on hypnosis in e pro- ceeded--to"'ive a.series of demonstrations whic 9 h he @pelieved would d the others present. In be of interest to Security officers an addition to answering man t' nd demonstrating certain simple hypnotic @i* gave three main2 demonstra- -41 VI' k tions: A)- nosis, arranged with two good s gre(12T.4 -uiiat if questioned in any u C way or manner o n curity, they would immedi- ately go into adeep hypnotic as very clearly and rated a g6od effectively demonstra-t-ed.,,R-).,,.. erion t regression wi going back to_th_p,. 2 ten. 3..Cormec ion it should be not,ed that in writing as she did at the age of ten wrote her name as name before it had been changed by her -that security c explained odes could be built olin e 2p ocess of regression' and messages could be con- aregression technique to cone--al the veyed in this maxLrLex--Iigl-n e* C). ted the possible transfer of messag uemon tra control of a 2 ode words owing that unless certain c were used a good subject c d under no circumstances ould or woul recall the words or give them to anyone else. 7. In general, this demonstra ccessf)il and all 2 demonstration in-, hands e re d -r_e2iati.on for -gi2p cl-Lidir stat e writer 'That a demonstra- tion sjmil'arTo"th7s'-@r- perhaps more advanced should be done for 2 ot-ho.r. Ag.@:i?@-CY-.officials in the near future. In this connection, ticuarly impresoed by securit aspects of -as par '6@erating under hypnosis and so commented. S. On Thursday, 5 November 10 3 7 held a general di is with' W6 @Wd a esent alth6iig@ lie t A 9-unaoie To paru.Lc'Lpate for part of ain air raid duties which they had to perform. Betw :0 ap-da,.3:00 PM anotli 1 conference fol- lowerl iri aL nd 1.',essrs r t im "c -"'p a@n g,@.0 O'@ -h -eT a f t- e rt-li-,"Otf.L5 and icioa -nL rr Om 21i ter lu- tt,3nded Fi7MF6mu"na-tabic aiscus3io'E-iiith the ove gro d to the possible use of connection with the polygraph. The writer explained2 to all hands that this discussion must be kept at an absolute Secret level si,,nce ARTICHOKE- research wa in no way interested in "beating the @olygraph" but only in assistina the polygraph system in detectinry persons under hypnosis and obtainina technical information on tile results of persons opetating under hypnosis o2n the polygraph. This round- table discussion appeared v,-@ry successfiil and M_ loxpressed: his appreciation for the discussion to the wr t e ilqaww -t)l@er info ion was@ 10. Between 7:00 and 9: rmal d' 2 I Q@U s and -%]WOWS, i Messrs Docto- !FTi s Si on az; iii t@ip, na resent. lmn:r 2 ture up e.of the work carried out and was entirely successful. % 11:00 Af,l had previous pl er but his plans were changed 0 8inbrnina o o eavy sno fall at Wazhington. -dB Nokia_ 4f