SU13JECT: til(TICIIUYZ Team As3igiurent REFr,]IZIICE: AIITICIIOKE lieriorandum of 26 flovcml.@,-r 1953. CiL@ti];R.AL STATT,',Iiri!T 'In accordance.witli basic AItTlCliOKE memorandum dated 26 Zio- ..vember,195; and in accordance with policy approved by all rernbers of the AIZTICIIOKR-, Conference an AIZTICIIOKE Te-,Pi is to be nsnigned t n or ab,,iit 1 Jsnusr-y 1954. The AIZTICIIOKE Tenm herainaftnr f (-,rrr-,d to r-I ol,he. T(-r@;;i A. Offor oper,,ltional SILPPOrt t-- in, the and a 2 ield.Stations. handling of specific cases usizig:ARTICIIOKIIJ methods and techniques. B.' Conduct research and ex-inerimeiit@ition along All'rICIIOKI-j linl-.s uointr avoilfible rubject3 ond niaterial) both fraiii an offenolve t,.nl Vi(-W pol.rit. .,.The Team will. consist,.of lio wi I Ibe p,tectinician. In 4,,charge, 0 a@d', @7 fA' or c, 'f wit of. s@x, months (or less) oa TDY to work jointl, ron AIITICIIOKE problems and research. AIVI'ICI[OK't,' 2 The-Team will carry out ARTIC110i'%E opoi-stioni in uccorde-nen it2 -with Instructions and'directions as to.tachniques and methods hanters litarliine,,ton with full allowances as proscribed b.-,,- licadq for 3-1 nfr @iold anti wi rlLicIF, probleim ari. in ttie r tli suf f'icient, 2.attitudo given to lyermit a flexible and iiitelligpnt ol)crittion. :Ilie Team will for all administrative iv,-tters and,for, operational control,Lo.,,ttic Office of the Chief of ")ncj wl.11 dii,,c-ctly rosponsililr:, The TcDr@-, will function only upon consent o or his repro sentative. FurtliLrnore, no operational worlt or research will I)a carried out @jitliout exact consent or autlior,i-.zition 1'rom tilo.. Chief of Itission or. his Deputy or otherwise designated rc3l-cnsible officer.:,@No operational work or research will be carried atit without e@mc2t cons^-nt or ourhorizati.oii of the Glii,3f cf of li-Is Del@uty or otlirr desit;natcd roopotisibl.@! ofl'icf,,r. If in cc@nt,crii)ltit.,-.d outslde o r tluwrrill, It ',4111 L)C jaw 7 1+ the rr-,3;@on,3i:l@iJ.ity of Llic Glii,?f of 'Ot-cur'Li,.-y, to arrange upon the arrival of the Team I ffice and 0 'rating areas and atorags equil-ment'space for Tcam raterial for Tc,.i!i tC? SUI)Plico..- ,I'ICIIUKE work formallv,brief &11 fleadquarters u@ftces in the Al' IL where tlieir.duties will require l@2nowledge of or.use of the If (o I, ART1611OKE toohniqueq. Rtrtli,@@rroret 1 1 h i a mmber of Itis StEiff') talte the Tc-Lnr,, me,-nber.,3 to aAi ascif,,n 2 stations wi-thin th reas for the Ifurpose of briefing each .G&4 station,chief-and' ortain.of hin associates on the'ARTICIIOKE,; teelini(lues requirementsp.etc. I:Iio Team.will peopi@4 submit.repo@t3,,(in writ2ing) all ...... 'Operational..sup@ort.cases-Itandled,and.of all-re3etircii and rirontation conducte(3. Caso reports will include in specific %T..o detail tlio technJ.,juc,,i, riethod,3t etc, tiof-,cl) chc,-,.ic2als, results (infornation obtained)p etc, Those reports will be sub- -?rlt e o cretifter to t will be forwarded th Ileadquorters Wi3sliington through prol)cr cli,.nnelo. Special report to 2insure uniform refor@ing, fo@ ful-nislied the Team, statistics, ctc4 Bai3ically# the report will conoist of i @-io r,-,-i j. ri sectj ozis .The fir-3t will f@i,ic u nerli Uivr3 des- 2 (,ril,,tion of ttir- cE,@@-e in N;:;@44 full clt-t,-il %4itii 11 be a clinlc.,.l i-c@I)or-L r&.,,ult..,; !nd the r3pcr-ild wi stating in specific detail tiio vo-ricus 7 items siicli r3o tirlo condition, aLc team supplic3 will lie of two types: A) tecliiiicql ni@(i li) medical.- Technical elea-trorlicj mechanical find pliotogr8phi .:Supplied,will'I@e obtained at licadquarteri3 Wasliington and for t*oillff'..thro"u'a"h 'I)roper cheintiels (air 1) wr-r-ded (liree ly ouch). .Specific Items of noce:3sctry tgqlinicr2-1 t-(IilJ.print will, bn dt-Itr-,i--.iitic(l by Team members with tlic,,advice and assistance,of .@@aff.. l@tedical supplies will be obtaine(I of Headquarters n in tli2e,field,locally.througl co'nectione .."T.,ccial rnedical sul,plips (iliclu(Iinfr, uniisual cliinical,31 ntc.) wil-1 1-,c obtaine(I tlirou,,Ph the l,leclical Officr,,, li(-adqiiarl,r!r3 ",4-Islii.nflton and either hand carried to tho ficld by riipribers, If this can be arranfed; or shipped via air pouch. t4 1) RAY T MEMORA.NDUM FOR: A-ELTIC1401C.E C;QlviMITTE:E It is rdcommended that the following form and content be 4ccepted and approved as being the Aims and Responsibilities in the ARticl-ic)KE program#. 21, The Director of Security &hall be responsible for the ARTICIJOKE ti program 2 The aims of the ARTICHOICE prolram are as follows: a.'' To perfect techniques utilizing existing drugs, hypnosis, and other elements for the extraction of information from individuals whether willing or not. b. To ex lore means through reaearch indoctrinat2ion and training p for preventi@ig the enemy from gaining control over the activities and ..,.mental caparities, of Agency per.s oaael C., When necessary glad cons i&tgnt. with'Agency policy and. operational security, sup ort CIA operatiot%s through the use of ARTICHCjKv,'.tech7@ niques. 3. The follo-wing responsibilittea and functions will apply to the ARTICIIOKE program: a. The Director of Security wUl be responsible for the gelieral di- rection, administration and execution of the AILTICHOKZ aims as de- fine4,. in 2. a-,0la and: -tk llbove aim b. The Director of Security @ill provide field teams for testing, experimenting and refining techniques utilizing currently known and recoc=ended new materials for the. extraction of information from indigenous personnel under field coaditions. c . The Director of Security wiU arrange, in c,oordinati-en Nvith 2,J nd the Medical Staff, for research and experimentation within the facuities@of thoa.d.,two compon uts.for the doielopment of meanls.' for the control of the activities and mental capacities of individuals whether willing or not. d. ..Th@ Director of Security will conduct liaison and research In 2 iolds and areas not within the immediate capabilities oelwand the ' ,St@ Medical Staff for the development of ideas and poiisible means of exerting control over the activities and mental capacities of indivi- duals. a. The Director of Security will control the operational use o vnt to all.op- AItTICIiO.I=, techniques and serve as the support elem crational components, in the use of such techniques. Director of Securitf will serv oordinating element i. The e as the c among all components for the Agency on those matters concerning the operational uze of ARTICHOKE tec8hniques. 9. The Dire.@.tor of Security will arrange for the exchange of In- formation concerning ARTICHOKE techniques and research and de - elements primarily concerned as OSI valopment &=on& those Medical Division, tLd S ecur ity Off Ica. P4 44 4u 14 0 04 to lu r. 0 :;4. 14 gi 4A 0 be 14 614 0 V Cie 44 E 0 14 77 Ala Dfi l,fEl,iORANDrJ,v, TO: ARTICHOKE Repr--sentiti,tes FROM : Director of Security SUBJECT : 'ARTICHOKE; Restatement of Program 1. Reference ia made to memorandum dited 26 Noveinber 1152 addressed to AD/OSI; Clii4f, Medical Staff; 2and Chief 4werom Security Officer, CIA, subject "Project ARTICHOKF,." 2. In accordance with (tiscussions at the July and AiiEu3t AFTTICHOKE meetings, it is felt that a restatement of the -ilms of ARTICliC)KT,, is essential at this time, together with a re-definition of the functions of the ARTICHOKE, participants. Also2 included in t)iis restatement will be certain additions to orincivles stated in above-mpntioned memorandu-n. that have been agreed on in meetings of ARTICTIOKT,, representatives diii-inf7, the past several months: 3. Aims: a* Perfect techniques utilizing existing drugs, hypnosis and other elements for 2 the extraction of information from individuals whether willing or not. b. Provide ft!.- field teartis for testing, experimenting -jnd rcfinine techniques utilizing currently kno,,m rtrid rec(-,nin(iided new initerials foi- the extraction of Information from itidii-,erioiis personnel uiirter field con(iitions. c. In cooi"rtin;3tioil ,iit,h ri the 'D't,,tff ,irt-@inv,(- for research ind experimentation within the facilities of these two components for ttie developaient, of means for the 6control of the actiyities and mental canacities of individuals whether willing or not. d. Conduct liaison and iiiitit] i-r@seirch iii fields ind areas noL I (I within the immediate ctabil-itips o and the liedic,%l Staff for the development of ideas and possible means of exerting control over the activities and2 mental caracities o@ individuals. e. Controlthe operational use of Al,,TICIiOn technioues @Lrid serve as the sunport element to the operational components in the use of such techniques. f. Explore means throu@h indoctrination and training of lireventing the enemy from gaining control over the activities and mental 2 capacities of Agency persotinel. g. Serve as the coordinating element, amonr all ccmponents for the Agenc@r on those matters concerning the operational use of AF-,TICIfOl@.E techniques. h. ArranFe for the exchange of infornation conceminr, AF-,TICHO?,E 2 techniques and research and devel.opment amonr, those elements primarily concerned, as OSI Iledical DivisionT Security Office. i. C@nduct authorized liaison with other components of Fovernment in the ARTICHOK'E field, and arrange for liaison responsibility through the krency component havinp,. til2e Most pertinent inter,@st in new projects or activities in other departments havirip, beariiig on the overall ARTICIIOKE@ project. 4. P'unctions: a. The Chief @ledical Staff, should be responsible for medical research in suvnort of this project which shall conslt of resea9rch of a bisic and operational nature determined by CiiiftC, !,Ir-dical Staff, as appropriate and necessary within the scope of his facilities in support of this project. In addition, Chief, liedical Staff, will conduct research and furiiisli onerational support in re2sponse to requests by the Security Office and within the limits of facilities available to the @tedical Staff. Re(luests by the Secutity Office-will consist of specific elements of research, materials and p--rsonnel in sut)nort of operational use of Project ARTICliOia. The Chief, Iledical Staff, will.Lprovide medical support for ARTICHOKE field teams. " fogs "will conduct, within limitations of their facilities, b ' "O research in the basic fields of science in support of tiiis r)ro,ject. In addition, 11 condilcl, within limitations of their f2acili- ties, specific research, other than medical, requested by the Security Office in support of operational aspects Of Project ARTICHOKE. c. Liaison with the In support of this Project will be the responsi ility,o under an arrangement already effected b 6 d. Responsibility for evaluation of foreign intelligence aspects of Project ARTICI[OKE will remain with OSI. e. 3pc,,irity Office wil.l. conduct liaison with the Service coinpon(@nts concerned in this problem and in relation to operational aspects of Project ARTICHOKE.