141@l TO: File SUBJECT: SI and 11 I@xperimenbation and iiesearcii, 3 flebi,uary 1954. r On @lednesday, 3 Fe@t,uary 1051@, SI aiid If e/per'yll 2 zid i a E 4 4 i @ rese arried on in Build:LjiC 13 by I-,essrs d u na the following subjects: a iu eiz'. of th2e gmatly improved viork of the pi-eviqtis evenilig2 id the writer agreed to conduct mort- e-tensive tests lie qessi.or, of 3 Febriiary. @lith this in m-izici, on -ttip- first induction..the subj2ects were driven to as great a depth as possible with routine tests made as the dtpth prouressed. As soon as the fi.rst inducti.on was run, a second test was niade and this time each subject was-tested for-their ability to operate ,tith their eyes 2 open, carry oitt norpial inoveiiient, carry out iiistrt)ctioiis specifically While remaining i.n a deep@sleep state. All subjects responded to tilis test, satisfactorily. Immediately there after, the major ..ioric of t@ie night. was b2 details follov;. All subjects were placed in a very deep hypnotic coli- -4hile in this condition they ,Tere @!,iveri the foll.oviing irislru- dition. tioiis. In a short time they -@iould be I-old tocpen their eyes, act. 2 wall(., talk and inove about in a perfectly ilormal inanner. Aftp-r they opened their eyes @o ta tal@e their handbags, leam the operations room accoripelniecl b ai-id tile i-Triber. They 2 would go i.nto the itecep@ion ltoo p on ie r hats aiid coats and sign out with the cua-rd in tile prop-1, iTLantier, mal@iiig certain to cnxi,y on fully noriiill conversations ,;ith the guard durin,, this process. 'Fliereafter the u - would show'til edcntials, l@ave the building and Ili u r 0 would enter ing she w2o a deep t e @l"s s sleep sta e ere -Lo follovi Llie sa.ine process only tllp-y irete to cqr and L;o into a deep sleep state. There @iere Spec i tioiis 2for arruicsia for all ents except L-oiiig to sleep and ai%Takeninu,. ev l@iisses 'llotierj out insgrijc fectly, ent iig desi.@na.ted on(i thereupon 2 tr d,ovc with the sijb.'I(-,ct,s ill a. COTrii-,lete g at tile apar@rionl, Utie sljbjectz3 were ..gp@)rltmenU. Arrivin told -igai.ri open their eyes, rerrtiiri in 2a deep slecl) state and noriial. @flic subjects left blie cirs ind procc,(,ded to i,ir. artjiienb and upon enterinf., wei-e told to tale off s and coats and seat themselves on a lar,,-e sofa in ill1x dinnette and again pass into a deep sleep with their eye -7-m= Tliereafter, Mg:@nltriicted I,'- @-e s, ,NKLocpen here, remaining in a deep sleep state@ procee(i iii@,o Llic 1,)eqrc@@ri--aiid af2fairi go into a deep sleep state on beds. d this -uLd then. in the prepe i D-C e_ id.the wr awakened slowly. wiizik -L@-,iiioved from thi bedroom. i,e hen instructed to open their eyes, leave the droom, lie dpwii id deep e , iito a sleep state. Thereafter' boN.-i"-7 iiwere ai-i@ikened slowly in" tiiel,.presen r writer. 4 - d.tlie Al 1 subjects complied specifically wici completely witil all iii2strtictions issued. All subjects, upon awalcening, were completely 'tLn@ tot'ally beiiild.ex-ed 'as to where. ttie-Y i..ere-and how they reached 4that poi.nt. It should be noted ttiat iiad absolutely no liing bixt going to sleep n the opQt,a@i6ns rooiri and -lau a)out the same depth of arnnesla-Dxcp-Dt slie -could re- men ely leaving the oppi@atiotis room the other 2 WI I_u I s h d, while comp@ying perfectly witli insbrucb-'Iolis, s zated he was able--tQ. no Liber ttie movement in the car, 2 walititif,, about and entering partment although she ad.iltilted most (letails were ex- r "fuz7.y". This test, whicii has be(,ii execuled twice previously, -y iiiterestiiiu things: 2 (WitIlL CUfferellt subjects) indicates certain ver 1. Iii1igi-i@@ wi!es-bible i-ndi-viC[uals stich as I-lissd@@and Gould prol)abl5, move over loilc distancc@ a@lid' under noi2sy and confusing circumstaiices and remain in al-i hypnotic state. 2. 171ornial" rloveiiient is to all intenLtS wid purposes, norinal. All three subjects passed I)y the guard, out tile dcor and 2 intalthe car- perfectly-iiormal although all were acliiig under full hypnosis. This aclivity clearly indicates that individiials iinder hypnosis rrliglit be compronrised and blackmailed. 4. Albliou,-Ili this was in every se 2 (I tile 'subjects) of course, liad confi.cleiice i-n t-iriter, novel-Llieless confidences, inb 11 s S) c. cotild be built lip by individuals whose motives wot)ld not be of the 4best. This i-ioi-Ic session, includirif- a loiif,, cl.'L.-3russi.on follo@,Tini,, the coinl)].eLioil of the above mentioned e.xperiiTienL, concluded aL al)proxi- Diately:'10:00 I'll. 7!i