TO: File SUBJECT: SI and If Experimentation alid ltesearcii, 2 February 1254. On Tu day, 2 February 1954, SI ajid 11 experitaent@ation an e.3 2 c Liuildillfr 13' bA I (,osrs @Q@n Room 20 d usirig the h)ec .5. g sit 2 Ss cr ince all of the above'subjects axe recarded as far bett than averace, induct'ioi-iz3 were ainicd at obtaiiiiilg Fr(,ater depth. It pliould be zioted tiiit- all,,'Stib,-iects had carrie(J f oi- a perio(I of one wcel< tlie-Pit -iristrttction that upori Pnberitil2; Llie operllloiis room;,,,t this session they wei-e iirtinediately to pass into 3 deop sleep @@s soon a t seited tlicniselves. Wibhout exception, this worlced. 2 'OP slp,:np ndriute(i alici I-liss o a dE w IIE, liod liglited a cig 2 -talce bitt iii tliree oi- four tte iii the incatitime, stayed ai idnutes she put out her. cigarette and passed iiito a deep sleep. Another induction was ruii again conce2iitritinv,, on greater depth -Lnd'routine tests wci,e inade at tlij.s tiit,,e @-ilijc,,Ii incii.cated that all stil)jects wr-,re opc,,r@-itiii,, cciisiderat)l(,' dept2h. , T))Ct,e-,. c n r@uny ioii @.ias tried i.n tlit-- ca:-,c of i@lisz3 n cl I esoioil jiiicli iii3 atte-rii)ted to 2 -to si.icce,,;sCul Tli tll(j Fe o f@ x, was not ret7a.r(lect cinories at Llic a@:,e.of@ six iiere sliarpene(I apl)aretitly. i2lei.t)it?r sl.lbj(@,ct acbiially rclived or acted out as a six-.-)-car-old clij.l(i woiild litit both stit)jec-Us irro@,o on the I)l@tclcboat-(] tian(,-s of individu2als wiu)l whom they were asL5ociated at the age of six. In vi(-ii of Llie Li-me coiisiuTLiriL:, woi,k, blic sesgiori was closed au- al)proxiniately 8:30 P.H. 2 -9@" T: Ilor mq.i@ter of i-ecorci, it lias beeii esuablislir:,d @llat C;01,U 14 -iilc iicil)ier of 2 retreoses vci,y wi her hacl be(2ri tried aloril: these liiies. It, slioul(.1 also I)c not,r-,(] lli@it altlioti,-h tiic ef'or2l ;iis iiog workr:,,cl -iri clctai.1 or au i,,reit letiL@Lli and tljat I)oL]i bouli subjects 5 witli traiiiirig could be rct;i-e3red. M21=;2"11