To: File Subject: SI and ti Experimentation) 9 February 1954. 4@, tatioi On Tuesday, 9 February 1954, SI arid Hexperiinpii -i ancl Itoom 20, 13, bytl-i2cssrs resev was on in c the follo subje,cts. i d iss had never pre -kb@"atLended. viously wor d., first s ssion, she was asked Since this was' t to w - in an-@ of tile testirig. rndrely to'observe and orl, 17 The first induction was a regular slovi induction wi2th all partici- pating. 5econd induction also was a rectilar slow type alid durinl, this trance sonle tests for depth were tried. A post-liypnotic was g+ven -to insure rapid induction for blio@ followiiig test and t -ber of second I)uriiig this test 2 accomplish6clin @ mab moved all slibiects ut of xce, the room I o7<@t Te slioii-ea ill t-Ilie subjects, under hypnosi into tile laboratory where S3 how t ent o talce pictures flasligun attactin on the Contax Tliereafter, camera. d the subjects to the Operations Roorq aiid @ii he camera @aid viitli only very 2 sli6ht assistance from posed tile other rti,bjects and tooic a nuviber of flash pli f -Uhem. i)" entire ::,ubj er cori e'-c li, -nosis. e pl u @'i and d 2 for part of the ti.nic 0 rocee ii-s throiii@ wo-way mirror. Upoti co@-iipletion of the taking of thr- pictures, the suLl2cts i-i it out ati(i tests ,.iere made for amnesia. li@O COIIIPlete 2 t an,nesia for tjie-6n iv@@-IA ecallp,(] ttie entire *i"ikk L activity arid Ii.LLi Lizid 1)urulal -dinn@sia and a sopiewliat vaGue recall of the e ents. 2 -@ng the above, aiiotlier ripid iriduction was riiii on Follo,,r all persons 1)re,;ent o.nd various tests, (7iovemetit@3 @-jere carried out. Some subjects were nioved around tile bui-l(-Ij.ii;, ati(I o@liers @ie2re told to rna@@e telel)liotie calls wliicli i-ii turn wei-e answered I)y ollic@r stibjecls, operat' r co h.@Tl-'Osis. TE@ Z; t S t.;ere made for umcsia aiid iss -al atiine s 9 toL r activities. s 3 sia aiid ]'I (,aiii apparcntly The session adjourned at about 8:30.