TO i-a@' FILES Experimntation in SI and H was conlinued in the dffices of the Technical Branch on 21 April 1954. ent as operators wer sent were pre n Of necessity, the session was termi-nated at 8:00 F@t2 bec&use of transportation difficulties. (Only one a:utonobile present and subjects resided in'various parts of the city which made more time necessary.) !quested a device to be constructed in our training afiop which would assist in determining to what extent involuntary tremor could be controlled in a subje6t, both in a waking state and under 2 hypno3is. This devica consisted of a series of holes drilled into the top plate of a metal'box. Attached electrically was a pointed stylus which when inzerted in the holes gives no indication unless the side of the varioas holes were touched. Upon touching the sides an e-'Lectrical circuit was made and a red light indicated failure to complete the action. 2 ed much greater control under hypnosis. In a he c6 p ed only six holes In hypnosis she completed waking state s all ten with great ease. rq)leted ten in a wakiiig state. Under hypnosis she was instructed o be unable to complete the test. After many trials she was unable to go further than No. 4 without lighting6 the light. In the opinion of the irriter an s may indicate or otherwise help to confirn that many con-@,rlpoy;70,u"ldw@be@induced which could be useful to an individual. c-i