/I TO TIIE FILL,, Oti '@J nesday, 14 April 1954, SI aiid If experiiiiprilci-ti-on aiid research iias carr @,42 witli tl-ie follol-;i re.- Oil O@ t S conducted All sub,lectb 2 f-,,iven tile qui@i-estioil to coiiditi.on tlici,.i as f,q.r as possible*for. 'ie,LWJ(- -be be carrieci out duriiij, the eveni.n,,@-. Uurinf,, the slow itidiieti 011-1 i "b@ ,--.eft to fulfill a I)revi.oits cii(;a..,-cniciit. Since mucli stu(lf and ilesearcii iis@been done from tii-no to Lime oii 2 such plienorneiia -'-Iiey have no as 11 subjects I)oiiig ,,ible to I)arLicipiLe in -Lctivities iti wlij.cli u 2 particular talents, several Q.@ eriinezit/s were coziduc@ed to'demonstrate certain p 11 pfienoriona to whicii mucti stud andwresearch liad@bcei-i devoted: improv(-3d 2 -telepathy and emotional clianges. ability to sketch; prolyression; mental bA The @irst experimeiit tried wa's'emotic)nal chan@,, s,@- hi@vii7j,, a subject@ i,@s ptit into react to vari-ous eitiotioiis wliilrz, viewirig picttires. i a deep It state. and liinded a copy of Life rii!,,--.izine rontii,iiiiil@ ti-to colored )d pictures: one, a sceiie of sl)riii@,,'flowers @i. the otlier a i-joo(ir, sceiir3 of -,ininial life iii semi.-d@irkness wllich preseiited .i wf:?ird cf-rpct. :ias Llieii instructed tli,.it wliei-i she the 1-%ici@ure of flo;.icr-9 3ic wa@@, to' 'exl)ress e:ctrene dislike for the w@iole scene vi)icretIrpOll bC[-a.'l to give a number of reasoris iiliy sli(.- disliked flowers, ictit,.illy tllcm, aiid had 2 I,C 'oil _ no uoc for P picture of bilis type. S]1(3 liad I)i-dvi.oijsly Liistructed that b)ie wild @iiiiinal scene wo2uld appear plc,-tsi.nr,, to lier. blie tliei-eul)oii begaii to conuiient iii a f,-tsliioii iiiiich iroulcl iiidic@ite a@L'.t'(,,ctiori for the @.niiiial.9 sliotii-i 2II the picture. The op(,rator dili--,r-,iitly tried to shake lier views oii the animal picture but was u-iiable to do SO. The tie ic,,nl tri S inen-bal telpl),i@liy @qncl was -coiiducbed u riil)j,ects. L3otli i-iorp- liypnotized and f@ivci-i -icrd ill i S p I., - 2 -1 rice @ii-id -is insLrxict(,,d Eo r,.i@i.ke -t sicet I n Ito i@i 21. 4 @lir s t -LT, i@l.t ciii! Lo ]I(, m-.i.i it v(!r,f siniple all instructed to cnl-lcf---zlU L Pii,cli @s I)ossilile on blic s wis I)i-odiLici.rif- !.II office ajid try to duplicate 2 Irl .0 0 started the II,, -a r PA(- a F, .1 II the papoi. a so 'ier rectani@le 2 v(,,r.-,r drcti ,t rt3c attaclic(l aiioti -lier to tile 1)1-cviotis on(,,. 2rved Lo proiiil)bl.-f di-ai@ ario L recLiilL;le I I -.Loii a itli blie excr@,,@)bj-ori, it iias i(@ll I)o rni c S ]if; lilies viitlliii tile i-c;c@.iri.-,lc to s rn, (;.r' )Il(i l@ii(, r t-ri I-es iiiblirig the liries ill fli- i.yns 2 i'vocl i&4 -i r:, ssl--inbiiii@ in (lirectiloti and Zir,@'-L (ig 3. rially resembled a liouso but basically 2 corita ned the same. sign, A final exprrj-rrieii-F. was. conducted itsinl!' s Ulto ,,iibjecL. A recent article ill the IIEILALD discussec pr sioii anct coruiieiib3cd i@llorcon. L-vcryoiir,, liid i-(@ad Llip irti@cln with ias ct;sccl.to 6-Luitl,:ky, 18 AI)ril aii(i to tiicii pro;,,r 2 iier surroutiririn,? and acti-vily, @llict,e are yoij.? A: -.1 aiii in .1 Clilll'Cll P,"Ij. tll,: @4liz@t clilit,c)i" A: 'I tor does iio@ roill I is 0 1) r -ILI b? A: ucs re @s A: Ily auiii@ is puiicliirit, P-,r siibj c c t-,,; 6,-Iiilc s L: y? A: L)Iic is iiii, aiid I)oj.yibi.iig oiii-I aftiiiriy liat. (iio The c)p(3i-ator li,3.b? A,:"" The woi-.t,-Lii irt fro)i6. @ilio is slici'? A: r believe,-, ttic flat I)cl.oiil:ed -Gb a close fr.-i-(,,iid or relalive @)f f,-.Itii..Iy -Liid -@hf-, nayne. 0 Subject woulcl iiol, rcv(,al 2 ubject @ias t-,Iicn I-,ol(.1 it iiocn. ? A: -ire y ou low l@L, a table. (4' U,-A, (.e, t4lipre c inii(-,r ti.l)le. 2 f ood i 0 oil blie Uable3 A: Ciiickeii. Criect cni.cl,-cii? A: - ilo C)13.CICC!11, (,): 'taiat els(- is oil -Llie tatile') A: 6oiii-i. 4.@: flie .rcncli-fried -)ject @tieii d a sbiip licr grandi-iiottier Piakes that slie likes very descrv;c ),nuc -Questioning was tlie)i d-' 'on-bi.nu.(Ii-t aiict i.ias i-ei i-oc 2 ;i-essed,back tlie to was aiiakeiied,a'tid doirtplete aim-iosi.a for @lic lill(3 dinE7s and said this is iiliab rited5 on 'Ulic procec slie usua 00 Laster SLiiiday at liomc. rllc s 1 esslon %,ips tlicii coriiplete(I for the eveniilll- . *bt. lw