T 0'EIIL EliLilS On 7 April '@4cdticsd,--ty, SI It aii(i rec-'-?areli w 11:1. s 01. QIL124! silipj@.@ts 111'e,,;cnt: -C aiid ere in cliari!e ;Yf the session, The woric ;,its opeiiect ,Titli tli(-, usu.-i.1 sl(,;i -.in(lucti on 1-iit@ all liai-ids -ttirit;. - On. coml)lc @,inii of tlii.s Z310 3 a i 1 particip. ul.ck e wis 2 induction process, usiii,- spoiidcd excbptiiiii-i.Ily iiE::Ll to tl 71wi6@'"preseiit Tiionieii -@iou.1d appear tliit i as 1-ii c bogin2iiirig to riake good avi iic-i i-eso toward becoddng subje of deep I[ work.. proe,, In view of resii2lts of the r)rcvioiis iiit;lit, it r 1. I-Itis decided b@ ti e ,rri'ucr to i.@,--iin i-eproducc tlin- r.)Ilenorne sd 2 a different sct of stil)jects. Accc)rdi-n-ly ere c hosen to carry oiit the experiment set ut below.. 2 -jects ii-i (-ileel) Ff stite uid blion toolc I)laced. both sul-), -.Llf- i.ii a doel) 11 st.-itc i.iito R(:)oin 2 23, iilicre lie told her t h:@.t a Lno'i,ur.Lioris slic i-ioiild oi)cli lier cles, proceed to; irooiii an(i fin(i a secrc,,b clociim-tib 2 concel,-Le(I on his;. d as VO.Lcl that wlieri. stic Ccuiid tlic, SrcrcU docl)inent slie ry car v r- 2-ui(-i coiicc-,al it oil her r)(-rsoii i i c:,-@ t wa to cfully to her',: 2t body and iiivisi-ble to ariy r;eiiera.1 j-nspectioti of soilicone noticinf,, lier. Sli(-, w;iq told that af ber slie coiicp-,iled -tiip docunient iiis to r-etlirn to ltoom 21, entere itoom 21 via the otitside dooi- aii(I %illei,e she -rioul,,i iiotice a itater carafe -uifl @,,lass on the boolccase. Slie @4,3s Uo I-,otir licrself a [,lass of itat(-,r si-jice slic i-ioiild be tilirsty, a.ii(I slic -vias then to Co -to the sofa, lip doi-Tii (:II 11(@,r stomacti and 1)@Lss --'Liibu a deel) 11 trqjice or sleep state.' She was'fitrbllr-,l, told that rc-,,ar(l.les.-, of i-iliab clii iieircl in tile room slic was tiab to ai-ii-Iceii iinf@tat, cu wiiisli(@red n. cocie -viord 2 r r tile sul:,I@csti.oris Selit on iier i ssion.. i..,3 t,-tlc(--!n iiito Liooin 'lo to 2 3 by ..d C li---Lrd bocii lirld i-n a deol) 11 Olidit on) th2at a person had fror(i I-,lie At@(@,iicy aii(i it iiis 1.)O-lj ev -d. t] 1;707cll 7",i:7crcu toctim(:,ni, . . &.L 2 iis .11012 oil -blic ,;of@i -i.ti ',tc)oi-n 21.. I)erson i iiisti,ilctc, iTi-Lo l(o(-)ili 21 mid to s(,,al,cli 1)(,,rGull 1.1 10111 1-'icl iio@ Iii,C)ti rOiTt I)OT', if clic hi.d r:,,b doci)itte2iit. a,-, told tl),qb it oil licr p(,i-scii3 bii(,, L)Cct if she w).r, -to fol'.1 it 2r,.ii-e.cul.ly on licr 1)(-ri;oii ii-id U)iEii r,o tlo -L-ii(,, clit:'ir i.ii she li,-tcl GibL-inc,, prior, to bli(-- t--xpei,iiiiciit, alt(I 2 pass at once into a deep li state. C. I)Iotl?- id @,i-c (ri.veii sic@ei.fic ins tructiocis that tliey. wou 10 rtiorror tioii i4lia3tsoevor. Af -te di3 irlission slie re Llixiied ac) n,.) i in 1"011G fiv(. (L' I-,o l@ootn 21, (t -III Oil 2 -t@ic room, t lull I)rocccdc -1 t ill r- C) n - 2 r cl.tj 1,, IT@t"1(71 i:c@-.1 o r -'U- ii:-, ,ic,:Irclil -iccorc 2 to i-i;.uiy i.,ositions e t I I C' C)PC I'l j. 11 I of lir2ir slii!rt,, I o 10 i.11 tile rlocii- meng i,i,1.3 coiiA&Iud,,,,, rdrror 21) I; J. Li b isng, :3 s par@ 0. Aft -@.(t secili-cd t!le fjocufficill, 2 pl,.Ico Z!iljll L '.bac le op li@ir moved into tlif3 cot,d:i.nl., to oitr wiLnc7sucs, ajif-I p,:i,o,scd i.lito -a (Ice z;l-es-rL- es lade iio iLbert -t Lo re.-@.rraii;@c -Glip cl.o-bliin,,' P 2 O.L but onsc,.i.oi.)!7 ,itic4 in a c@islievclcd coriciit:i oil Oil til@! co IC]). t ILL 2 iiio riot to t'iii3 (,.iitire r) gi roc(-,c Lll IC r2ecel)bj.oii rooiii r i-vi.iir@ r ol,-Ls r 0 1.1 c Ler.1 e -,t r itci@ed. '.to [,,lve t,114 cod word .ii it@l I 1(? -ii'i-ed the 2 u @i.ii oi,d(.,l, iii 0 ell 170 s liigioil 1-1,-Lc; Lliefi disciisz;od i-iitli til Tlii.r, 2 Lc.t;t-i @)r(led ic-, 'Ly Llip, viri@c-,.r in r tliat, A 2 (-ri!iibte-cl lir!r ,;(ilf Lo 1)c vcr.-, 't@'t-oroti(,Iily and, apr)caroi-)c -i-d Is is I 2 jil(IiVj.,IUll I.TJ.L i,,,id(-@ a vrl Y 1 n Loll 1; 1,711 I)ody uii ;,rim 2 rot -li obvj.OIISI,r -ii(?ve -lie si 6c.L rini.iiiti.on aii(i i-ii L a ciesii-e to @icl L 2 -.o c if ic reGulLo. @;l .0 -.ctilai. ;i(..-,ni.firqnce in titic, iiiiL2Ur,i- i.c; tli(.,, CicL tliit T) z7, b t@ict no r(-,collcctioli of @,jiy C'.C -,-,f)r)vc cvc)ltz23 3 71 -3--i u )011 aii@3 ell 6]ic iioti.cerj onl@, t-liit lic,,r cl.otiii.ii,,f v,,2, ry p-L u Ulic l@liroli, of liry, bloii@-,c il(- 1) i n!11 2 for ror-.r,. o,C (,@,rcrits 'IC] olil.y u U (.,Vcn 3]i(3 li,-.irl ill ll(,I, stocic3,n,, -itici would iiol liclieve it lu-ibil slip, left tile 1-oolli ijid it 'WE 2 ox, of' rf-,corct, it stiolild 1),,@ iiol '(,n' iif-ii-,iitci, i.:ilkwi u 2 L cti-oti ii L I-ii.sli Lo of.' -f@ilf-' LiJ.1 r)f tfic abovr, 0,,;es Lila Lelo-wi 2 (2@ Y wr:@-Ler i i L5 I i r, to poi.iit out Lliib G I ol)r2i.----IG-j.oli sut@,- sbs a 1,,cl,sori un(ler der!p 11 coiil(i I)c plac ,(I in L@ v(,l,,,, coripi,ojiiisinf,, 2 position @ui(I cotild be pliotoi,,raphed I)rob,-tbll- aiiy lci-iowled,,,e of tilis, ii2-nd plic(,. :It r-Llso reflects t)i,-it a 1),,i,soii tinder li iiKLf,lit. i@P-1 ertalce.. to rto scrif-,tllij.iiii, t)icy i-Tculd never (lo iii blic nofii!al course of c!v(,jits. Ili i-cli, all of -i--i-ced C)iit@""f I tlii 2 the wi.tnesscr, .1. t concealed t uld on 1 i I 11. eeli t2]iE-, size of a s ampt -,Lve -1-.o )ipv(-- rtiscovfrr@d i. t., i(-] r, Sto', 2 Ell=