A17 To: File On Tuesday, 30 llarch 1954, SI -tiir-t 11 expr.,riii,,eiibat-icn aild re- 'h was cai,ried on in Room 20., f searc 2 Lg.@iLb 'bs Rresciit: jae@c. gw a b teiide, in the -tTdpaci-Ly of an observer. Work with the Ly-pe of indtictioll 2 I-iitli ?-II II,-Lilcl,s cil)atin-. Af bcr this iias coiiiplebi3d, i-, c r, Le usinr-an e,,;e fi-la-Lioii inctliod -if!aiii in techniqu'a. eared to mil@c licad-,.iiy alt-lioligh slie 'ill at csetit is not at a ver-j, high level ill -Ll,e .-i,Drk. st pr Ill vi(-,I-l of -Uhe -'Lritei-eGti.ii!,- eesijltf3 ill Li;c I)t-cv-Lciii5 ses,@ioii a wiiicii aittomatic itritiiif,,, ti,-ks atteriptecl, tli@,, ;iriber Lried autoinitic 'dri, iiitli all iij@lividtials -rpseiit. itcsiiltu i-yet-r;, .3s foll.olis: 2 t 1 rote. iin(-Icrsi,-) i,ds -iiid on iias -agei-n w able 3.ri erl)ret @Lb r,,iin i,,rot,o a cypt.-c e and,upon re-ii5Tnosi,,,, i-iis "a[-,.iiii alile to -briiislate. Liss wrote a iessaf@e a.nd _.LFal tipori re-li:q)nosis was unil)lc to nterpret it -wrote @ ve,7@'Y e-@@ottoi.ve cryl)bic 77iossa,:e; however, und-or-Ti'7i)i-i(s3c;'siie appal-(-,iiuly di-dnlt @iish -Lo translat,,- the -he i @iiicl wlit--Il spr,@(,'i.fically (Iiie!,Lj.riied 1). t -iriter as to ijliy t3lic clici not iTi@,,)i to do do, slic told tli(2 i.,ritor the i.ias - pcrscnal and liicl rather not, 2ti,a.rislale tilis but %iotild tell bli(., tqritcr iii, the future. Follot-iinf, tlic-,tiitoi-ii.-Lic i-iri'uin,,.,, a I)rj.ef, 51iol,L 113,pnosi.s @;.is rw-i wit9h ill liin(is I)articj.f)abiiiL: arid with the Fii sil,,I-estiotis pi,eviousl,, L;iven reiiiovcd at this ti.rie.