113 To: File Subj: SI and 11 experimerigation, 3 liarcli 1 9'@)'4 On 3 1-!4rcii 195)j, SI al-id 11 experitiientati.on and research 2 iias ccirriod on in ltooiii 20, Duildin,, 13, by llcsz3r,3.1@@aiid !@itsi.n.,@ tiie following stilijects: .1-lisses 3.n Ilou biiie tests and iiidiictions aiid strtirlit Pil t.;er-e tried t tlirougliout the even h One special slow ind-Lictioii was or], giv -ly is slow in accepting 2 cri to assist I" 11 control. Tlie only unusual activity i.iiso@iii"ll(, wor evening was coriceriied was that III 'ilisLrucLed Lo remain j.j-i a very dct-,p siinll) 2st,@-t@c ati iiistrii e wliile in a sleep staLe..witli,jipr eye.-, -try to aiialceii the tvio slecliers. 1;. i,ied by shaliiif,, ajid. calliiif,2, blie ii,-@ries of bot',t f'irl 3 t restilts -ttid Llieri apparently in cl-,,lspc-,,rati-on di;ag G of the chair and let lier fall. to II)ie fj.cor il-cn lier. '2AWi This ef'fo t [2.g@..Iii-isucceosful. This seei-@icd unusual in view of tllc. fact s very wiemoti.otial atici i-iijile a good si-ii)jE,,ct has not b Lrl'C-SIVC iii aiiy of2 licr iioric. 1,7or P!aLter oJ.' recoi-;-.1, ie,,;la of blie iiid clcarly reiich;ei-ed rom -Lor oC i,ecoi@c3, 2 so foi, i,iall ptilling I i s Lt slioul.ri 1) slrepin,, ozi ttic floor was partiall.)p f'al.lei lieii 7slip, iiis di-a,,,Iyed oitt of Ulic Cliai.r I'li als(,,ep duriii,,: U)ie enlire lie sessi.on closed at al)otit ':30. activity. c