To: File .,,Subjpct: SI and H experimentation, 24 February 195/+. e, On 24 Fobruqry 1954, SI and menta took place in Room 20y n@iilding 13. I-lessr2s. @d 4ILaL@LW@pf__sul)jec S: ltisses In view of the 1 m nteers present end in view of the fact l@lisse a ad not worknd for several. months, 2 itic wor was ev several slow, st,,,iicierd __irlductions to assure us ttis%t all persons present except I-liss re ea -ible of obta.iiiinfr more or less the saino level. p, swere 2 entirely satisfactory and routine Pli @i(-re given at eacii inductiori. The first two induction wero held and' averaged about 30 iiinutes each. The third induction, which was again run out of FH was of interest in thvt all. volunteers were 2 to ot)cti thoir eyrs and act completely normal durin 9 the major -portion of this trance. In this coniiection, all hands cari-ied out instructioiis including movctiient, smoking, drink2in 9 cokes, conversation, etc. and werz rp-tarud--tg sleep states by a simple touch-oii-,tbe forehead by l@ir For recor purposes, @lis improveme2nt but is not yet up wed soine to the capaci ?Po t e other volunteers. The fourth induct-ion out of a Ph was run ini-iiich all P" instructions were removed and following this all subjects were 2 questi@ned as to tllc aifiount of'amnesia they liad in connection with the thrid induction when t[ley operated tb their eyes 'n tr worIF"ama total 2 open and moved about, etc. As usual,, @lis g h h t amnesia for the performance. Some- reported' a t emor-.r of activities and some reported ttiey coill.d remsmbr,,r aJ.1 tlle activities. The session was concluded at a prox:Li-ately 8:30. p