S; A NDA-0 un PA No. 64 Office !Mei;ioil,,aii m UNITED STATES 'GOVERNMENT TO Chief, Technical Branch., SRS DATE: 7 may 1954 FROM o4 SUBJECT: Special Instructions,/@@@@ 1. On 29 April, 30 Apri2l and 1 May 11054, -pecial ir'as in this office for the purpose of F:iving a 'i=tructions in hypnosis to two individll.%Is.m - __m 117.14 The writer served as an obser@er and supervised the 2instruction. @@conducted demonstrations and instructions A with the primary purpose of ae airitin mechanics f the science and to train bot in hypnosis AIA 0 as time permitted. A 2. ad been briefed on the project "ARTICHOKE" and desired more detai ed information as to how and when s2uch techniques might apply in his operations. indicated that he had some de4ings in hypnosis. Ho felt hat the science and related interro- gation techniques could be utilized to a greater extent than they had been in the past. 3. On Thursday evening, 29 April, during the hours 7:00 PM to 9:245 PM, scussed the subject thoroughly. He demon- strated ction techniques, procedures in hypnosis, post-hypnotics, etc. The balance of the evenixig was spent in an informal question and answer session. erest was very keen and he seemed o be well pleased. 6 e ge given him. Those present 2 were @eooAlA 'and the writer. A- A Owere present and volunteered as sub ects. Both are excellent subjects, having wo rked witkm'- lwnd the writer for the past several months. 4. On Fri2day evenin A ril 0 from 7:30 PM to 10:00 PM., the discussion was continued. onstratpd more techniques and haw he felt they coul be appli-e in the field. During this @ime he induced a deep state of.hypnosis in@@@and very quickly developed him into a good subject. The evenings work was continued notic tec2hniques and termin&Lted at the above iven 04 ontinued to show extrem interes o4 resent as subjects along with of this staff as observer and adviser on medical matters. 04 5. On Saturday, 1 1 from 1:00 P14 to PM ctioii was continued. Using s a subjec@ 5 demon strated more forceful methods of hypnotic induction which obviously would be more-useful in the field. 6. Present as subicets and observers ol 4o$ A U'l@nduced a. state of liyl)ncois in each. In- C.,.. *structions riere coiitinued until approxipatel.y 4:00 P@l. The ba3.anco ,of the afternoon was devoted to questions and answers. 2 7. Iii conclusion, it can be stated that the i.nstructioii periods o4 wei,e well received by all. was favorably irnpres5ed. He' rade inquiry as to how he c6uld coyviiini.c,-Lto with this staff for assist.ance and advice. These matters were handled to.Iiis satisfaction The ,@-ri7ter feels that the entire operation was successful aiid extremely. beneficial to all present.