oz 31 lhrcli 1953 MI-MFWMUN: TO I' CI I IE@ Flyz;vlmm@ME-I--' :,Attentiont FROM I Chie SUBJMTT 2 General -.Agi$nt ti Speci-fia IL-noran &ui. L953 UE),) s @D,,the fact reforence rcrior,,g-rdum. notlif ip-c2l to contin-ue to det us tha Is unal, 1 e ai-n qtb@pct in co io requested that -,,,ibject's statu3 be cliangod fr= tuL-Jv= conluemiont to -ehabilitaj@il on 2 es@ed that si.,bject be released in @@q,.urtter roqa (30me ountry ter the rehabilitation phasei '@as' record, the fo-Llo-@;ing In '7i ew of 3 Go 0 r L'2s equi..-aLmen' ari3;tecomTneridedi a .,.A couri3e in th f k)r i@@@ @i@ of destiration. 'Docurents necessary a co r7 (j4@-'Af Or,de@L,'rmii-Lation c,@ the countz-i of @,leatination, ency of sub4ect's ETAI notif@, tho ag Advire the to rebuff or Dtherwise t-L, rn sluey tiny o6pproachc2s siiblec-1. r..,,V r-,ake i-n th,,, @liscretio@ll; a:3 future # and@1-:@ii t'ie ..@,.needed requ-@st otli3,@r United States a,-,enoies in 4eet. the area to avoid sub-i j. ndi v L(.1u,.: L @CL@iren r;,,, -I r- in pqo(i ,Ifld or .1 ,r,,i 2 o r t,@ o id fl@) niir -i n (i r ri c.,,r .-i n "-a- i 1-i -29- to n,ir- !,,@ltlcv tr) o @ild t.r) "71 d- or @11'711 n@Irti-i,il;iri.@,, n r, n C' e s i ii r,-t r i"q -o t.,;) 2Ll'y rlcn hc il:!(J n ,I n cl "Ti r- t I t : -, -I , n e n r;,t ;n VI k did not4 unde--4-an--' &Nabob&-. told r)ecl-lliar coricr?r,tiiil -nw, vific,@, i-n cornec@,ion -,iilh -icd 2 r@ Tlt i oi m u ,,jo n 1-3 r-,ive h' -,cncy u i.ri2 this r),irticii-Lar in7,4,'TICC. 1'2 t's itidi c, t.lie iqr@-Ler) the Arl-ichc)kr y 2 ic)e s iic t, -s 1) rc - 'Lnt,err)r,-@tor Ln n vi oi i @,; ca.,3e t@ie roi(,. o t-interdret2or. On iezt 'C the slihjccl-l it-) e in in a7WLnwcwoT'@mpwlw7lo-Ii@"black @,he safr-@ hoijse if@@ cov@,r otlqrie,,, an,3 r Fir@31, 2 cn,,;" It, 'irp roich s '&rm the sclr'P jg h c on T--riday). li -h C i, 2 ol' tii t,; I,- @3 tii L@3 i iitc!rview the riji j-(,,t, -)ni i@, mr(i ;.cil Iii@3t2,,-)ry t,,3ken @ri 14 oti i7@ f'ro,-i ii, tion if7 i-ii U)ir@ ahov2,- c,-i7,c I'l@er@l W a to 12, )t5 -il, l,lic moi,ninfl, tri on "ci tii T-t.],-@v -@riiaon C r@xamin;i@.ion wa5 @.-iv2ei ili- d /4 I @t il I i 3 ri(-,d ic ai at i(i -,Tc h i,-i t r,' o -in ri )tin 2 v r. OL in con-,rci-t,@d doct-,or7, (,-orri-r connccted l@-@ ciectrocl,,@2-@ (:irtific, L'tic It was d e c@i (le (I ty @, @ie (J oc r s t. o ,i @-- c i ;, @7 1) p- r-, n (I f-, t c r p i i I i eh, i t4@ s 7, II t i c c ' w0 ; I o @ u c n (i add @tioiiai covc-r was nce(led to cqri-y r)iit I'@Lp- Ell MEE.. C rl7)c 1',I-l -in @)rclcr @o _r- C -I C r, @2 ri _,W,' @,il @@-Lli t@i-2 w _Vi,-IF of' 0 ,-itciii.rir, i,hc ,-3. cr,,i(-,k in otir@ r@ f 2ii,-@ tic rc r7 of' r)-laced tn i dec@) t,riticp- @n 2 A5 ii-,. t.@ie -irsl, tho of tr-4ilcl@, w,@re ;iiici -it tni7, for f'2ii4,1,irr? i-iorrc. At ftiq 'Clr(i -)f t,lic i t i,t,ed to For a-"h --i,,i a kn,3 li 'af-"Ilrl 11:7.Lri i 7, n f,@ r,) r r tc w a s C c n C 1 i i d (Ilillapillol 7WO 'g i 9 . (Jn '-iinrJly, 15 Jiiiie L')1,2, at, 2 F-.,atioli i-"Cst wa@-, UILO :1@inr@ tnr-,r- we r@ri ri n r i o r, s room wj-tii the 2 io n s @JIIIC nr- licl(I y 2 ")f 3ervatio o@C@1'77r i@n7ii,-, rorm into t.lic int,,@rcc@m 2 tli(? chtiic@i on- All ot,lier menit-crs oC i,@ie Tcqri -,iqre ou" It 7@iotil.(i @)c riot,e(i th@-l@ i-Ti r@ach th,@ OF @i (I I-,con ir@r @i ski I-l' ull.-i -il,ou t ),)y tiie doc, '@- or-, t7 1-@- i rir, I 2 -i n c C,- 7, @7,-i r,,i treit,Tient i-,o Fitt4ect. d, 1 r. i oil .'w -@-i o e s 2 h iwy r IL 1 C z, o r-,in") the e;c-i(,Lly tli;red tnc(IL(-,fit-,i,@n qtl, 2 1-2 . T@ii7, -@nriiictinn ni-oc@,7,7, con@,:umeci i@-out, m v,irioit.,3 tO7,t:3 in(i :)t, 2tt", 2 ',I C C k 7, f,rrroii-il,.@ori F-r-@rn 2:)t')' l'i'l -Uo ii-@)li I'@1 T4ii-oll J,O 2 71111 stitc 13. rer,,,ird@l tr, oTi @,@ie 1n,-it-' (@F t@ie c@ @l:a d -1 @oc,,d 3 1 -,7, :L I' 0 r rt- ox ly t he f i -7 1,@ r)ii r c, F @,ii L o n 'E@ LI T 3313Tcl 0") uL oul jc) TI@Z)TS,@l),d 4k 2 L) I Lati I IJC" I 'I E@ ',U lllt,,L2 i,l 11, I C) 0 1 1 t 2 '4V "ISLQ c-TUl :JIITINT) at-)f.'Ui L401@0.1d,,IL JTqOUJ@@ll 01,@ -:JUOIL, JUDM qT2 !3e i @)q'i JO Cl [[tL'bJ 0141 IL,3(i alljTj OulTIL; 2 @)u -ij-iul t I'@ LI 7 Y. @j,4 E D [U 01 110-L so ci :L @Ll -C 6,@ 0 -)T .1@id qo LL@m ')T' Lf@)LLIlitillICZ).iL)4UT CIUI(3 l@ 1) 6 i, 2 LI -:)Z;LiLA(;o i-iii U] L.@ 0 q U I ID LI LI ,,.I T II LI L 2 L4, v -,I ,lDoL'- nr I @j IV' 0'r I-r @[@,,quuilxol(jcju l@, 'Uol 2 @,Tq'i UC) IUJTI),-JLJ TTRLJ 14qTm qs@G'4 @11,1 ;iui@z)pq,i L' PLIL- 2 3 A I E) -1 LI I 0 S L? 4s."J @Li-4 ul PJs" SI? 143t@o,[Ci(lu p3ulc4uiu3 Ei Ili nc)m 2 i)tlq '+ L2 'I'l PIJP'13@iP ()-TL' sum 'II- @,'Z) j j 0 iu- )-r s L',) E)qq Oq GRTE?J, TLuc)-'qTT)PU JO C)II P-rilc)m 1-ULI, S6UTT 'I C)l PGTT(I @),i 2 2@uOTL' qq@3r[us -i t'TTuT'L@,7u'iLic)J-uT TL"lc)TI-@PPe [)Ili: zjtl CiL PTrici,, 2 E)qq uO Lu -L -@T@U.ITSGP Gq PInC)I', '.Iqq LIIOlj Li,) -I I U iJ-l C) j LI T 2 l@:u 0 r -4 1)[)T-' q C) U -1 C) .1 ti'l a L@!,@ I-lU I--' '4. 6q ST til j 0 2q .[ ri s 3.1 F,'Il J--- T [) 0,4 - Pu L? q I'T e @,i 2 -rlU-1 JO L10T@-'ITDLIOI) ',u-ImOT'Ic.-i . 17T @j Li, @'t@ ;:j :)LI ';,J U c@ T @- .1 U @D @3 e- 24 C- Li -Ginpaz)o.id @jULU@,@eML- mOT@' 'P.11.,PLIL"@L 2 'JUIC)CI @--fLi-4 qE@ 'AZ)6C,4riL,' q POLI @"4 Si@L@MTL@ 2 qouu'ez) TO-I'Iucz) I-TNJ -- i'ltn -TTTT@s mOq 2 uoD s-i qQaCons uq,4 Lioum [) Li L- 0 L' L3uTui /@'T-4u'@l- UL) sE 2 '3uD'-f@DT 1,,'TTI,@nP':-1:3 GZ)U-e-Tq Z)T'JOUCiJ,q u-e jo ilqdLiCl -j '[)LIO'ICOi Oq TT-E-J .10 uz)YLf2,-.u Kuui ail- t E)q-4 0-1 J,T'FL'uO2s-l@',u ol JO t,T.i6(io.id 4 ou Uil)ll-@,DI,L) JT r)llu @!@L- 0-4 F,@llD.ZG:jLIT-p @i@ )@,2uj UD i,j AUV SUC)TILOI!@illS Z) 'I I L)U@IALI Z@Llq c) 'I u GIIJ 0.)-10.f u r I T T j I T 1 )I- p2ti u s nu I ILI I- I U 0 Z) JO a i@ II L U I-, m 1! -xz@, -@C)U a 0 -L' C[ U UV I/ 2 I E?Llq tl(')TUTCiO T'2uO'rsczJO-ld @q4 2 j C) UD U Z) jL-@,u 4z)3'qns @,q'-4 @@LiM T I I Li I JJIP S 2 j -1 C) U 1, U m i:-[ i-)UL@ -111C)Li 'J.31T C) 2 IU T.1 (I U., I f-C@ t@'L @3UQ'r,@! '!It) I Li I II Li(" L;(-)Iil Li i'l I -'U t 1'-j 9 u@,Ljr; j 1 -'E:T Li@ll I IL)j L: I 1,' @,11 Ili,: .1 uu 4.!- -r@3t r i@)Ti r(!-" a "or crrt.,)@n ncritc7,, 2 Pnci gtiarply si,re n .'@l r.r@,,i f r@ r -,oiit 12:15 i-nterros7,iUj-on -,iqs 2 otl -A 77, oni qt Sol 11 ..Id during this i,@ic interro,-7,-it,ic)n w--is not L:3ken o2n-recording taiier,.) 1'7. A"-, 1:(30 i:11-1, it in,jection cr a si,iri,.il-i.nU to SC,3 4J-F a more F!xp,-itill,,;, ve rqiction 2 -ject. Ac :4 carqfiillv contrr)Li2d c) f ci o r;;@ r: c,:- of Dcsoxyn (d-,J,@@5,)xvneoh@,drLne liydrochlorici(@ -- f-.tiinii.L,,nU oro(i@lc,?s eleiation of mood, tilkii.ivcnr,,7,7,, etc.). Aft-er -I 3@IOT-21, n@,ri.r)r-i ot' t,hig cc)rit-,inii-lion lo h--3v,@ I hi;@@il-v t,c lc morc in,j ac,,r:irent,j'. i 2 T)cr,,ou, in 710.rlitio -il.k, remirk-,31)ic -ind ditriric n t o -2i r- r -q e -i.L n f t, t@lis r6-rression th,, -,iil-j,Dct rtJiV(@(i ct-rt-ii-n of his life, @7njp.n 4@'.IL'llr.7. 2 vears, @,rhil-3 iri id@tiL.ion, t-i,@ 'i c W 0 7ii7@ Li n@- -i7, cnc of i n,-i-i)r-forF, tot@,,-i tlv I (Irri-,cd 2 ot this fimc) @n old r SuL,,iect -u c h,i@ ki,@ovir@ i n yeir3 P,-1:3 t C;2Irmc Pxtrcmcly v-ivid in Tir a. rsl,- in,-i on "tie r,irt of t-he sul@,@t@ such An @-,-Ktent @,hal. 'ri@, in@- 2 rrorl ti.,-1(1 to ti.-n @iron @-,is7,Lrlg '@Thom 'ri(- continuously ci.l-i(@,J l,y the n.-Lin;@ of 2his old friend a- pIr @.ssociate. ,3iiincj (al-out two ind orie-tial.C lind@@r the .L,ll . 'rbe totil. timr- con, 2 infliier,,ce of t'@ie c@irmic.-i-Ls c,)untin-, rrom Lho F,@me oF t,,Iic, i-n,jecl-,ion, -oxi tcl vi,is CroiTi -ii)pi -2m,-3 v 12:00 noon until -31ioiit 2:3" @icn t'ic siil)j2ct w?@-, -i(ij-)iti@nf- I-,cdroom. tot.-)I ttitr@rro@,.) t4 On 2 to @ii.s owri , L ri-,,@-i thi,-, (including the regror,3ion) w:-,s Fi-ori -il@,Dut 1-2:il@ 1'7.i ,inti "@:10 It, to 2:3'(3 P'i-i r)irili.-illy rqco.vf-l--in@7 C-,-ofi lhe crccct,; if t,lie r)F t,@i(- T)i I r2 i Tif-. W r i r t I v in a F -.irid for a P,-@r4, oJ 2o@' unr,@7)T)on7,i.v,- t,o co-,,-rcii.riition '.c,,sL3. '4@i(@n tii@@ wi7, movc(l Frotq tli-- room to li@s al-iri be(li,noiii --it, 3? 'ri,2 rc(i -)ii III.- feet an(] triiir, in n-L7, ',,ed lie pi7 -i L i-, o u -r:3 wliir-',i li::@-od for 7),-,v,@r, 16,-l T @,l t 1 f I tli-3t on tlic basis of ',lie r,,iitori-a.11 obilainp-d, tli, -I @i,@ @i-i ci 01) @,-ii ii,@rj .,)JC infol,ln-Ition to (@r)nt.inii,@ the woi,],'A' I 2 c)il t,liri c,-i:lr-, Dixi he ih-t h@, might pos-,il,,iy iti t.he Cut7lir,@, on the 'nn,,3i7, of tlici nc,,r T)Oly@, n,,,@j :,n(i ii-2-,i riin L@.e on @,he 'r@3plI on 4- de cr@-,T)ancie:; that had is -i r(-@riilt o.C @,lic Ar@liclinl,,,- 2t,i-cit,mcnt. -i.L unco, -3. -@,l t n t,ut,C ni!i t i ,r2re@i , th@@ siil)j@c(. t w, @ot,@ Liy unt I't)ie aTIrt i 2his (ii7,r),)3itioti.wolild hqli@? to bc@ a con-tro!ir-,fi stated had been Lrrefd iinon r)revioiioly. 2 1 A@-, iioile(i ir,ov- both cas(3:3 were P-ntji-cL-@, record,@(i wi-t.2li t,)i,, r--,Y,- rt vcr to invol.,rc(l 1,) -,.iero tiirned o the 0 them ati(I draft frc,,ri the 'recOT-@iinr2.53 @i-'Ll notes, COiTlirr@Tlt:7. e@C. n,@cdc(i to roi-ir)iete thei-r -,jcrk. iid t,e iioL;-(i '@lh-,@ t@i(, r,-@st,onsp--@ of t,lic siih,ie(""s 2 ir@,, of' t(i li,-@cn tcrl)rctpd or LrRriscr-L@,ed in T@nr..@isii Lo eti,-il,Le tl,ir, rc@-,ults b.@ t.@ie thf.3 ieclirii-,iUC7 - r@s 11,3i- -iF, i-:3 ktio-,,iii, tll-? tipcs arc l@eing h--ld anId wi-11 @,c, f,ill hifi 'c,.e-ri made 2 D.'-" TI, Ih,,it @i-11 h iid i this m@itter a7, 5oo)i -L,; to no ]-(,Port in @,his connectioii. 22 . The Ar2ticliol@e 'fei!Ti, ,,iiiiie enti.rel cp- rtaiti, i@,liat i-it3re con- clu,,-,ive anrl althoiiF7,@l f,@ie ci!-.r., ofcicprs Y,r r e 3 7, e,-' f@h(lm5clvcs 1:3 coml)l.eL('IY siti-@,fi-od, fcei3 @,liat 'L@'inal an(i criti(-,il coiTu.1enL3 7,iioul(i 1-c w@tilh(@l@l iinti,i tr,7.nscri,r)t7, of the 2(7,,,in @-r, ;@tid i ,iri(I circfii.L i7) de,ielo@)ed of L.@ie t,-iT)cs and croo@-,-cl)cckccj qiTIf)t, C-1.,-,P- f@.L(23 in eic'li cise2. L 0 i LI T I -")Cr 11 -in c)C the 'TPlm rnf>ril rl nl'c- ni r) n ion, Cnmht,-icci in(ii c-,@3tc7, 0 I 2 in conibin;ilio-i have a irr@ry lii.,ti poLcnt-,i--)i -i@7 @i ri intr,,llif@-ence we-iuon.. 1-isr'd in a limit,c-d 7ensc i.t ,ioiild t2,,e ,ironf@ t,,i ri-ik i c, @ v c r I.,,i o r the efficic-,i of lli,i 'niit, it do(,,, o c t,hesp L,,--chniqijes,,wlicn pro[)--,r.L,7 -i nci fi-,r@@n i circf'u.L cov,-r screen, shoiii(I be.Fcncri.-L.Ly hig:hii cff'e(-t,ivr.. 'tlip 'Fr@an mriiin(-lr7, rc,@l Uh,-it2 Llie mo,,it. i.,ha,, i7, n-ce-,- sary to ncrfr,,rt @hc,7,q tec@liliflii-7, i7, t,li-? @?p!)Iic2tion of I.lic '-a ,i vrt--it, riumbei, of' 2 't'hn rreiiibf:@r@3 ?.l-,c) f(@eL i-C ..jork c-iii 'rf- done i.n MlTly c,@isec,, it ,iill I)e por,3i-bie to refinr t,@ie the rr@sults more cert-iln, rc,,3iicc 'Ulip 2 1'(,,r thr t.lon of the @.@pcllnir.Ilir@s, in(] more t@ic involved. Ad(lition.-ii cas,?,,3 will I c!iAnc(, to t,est new iicw cotnbinill@ons, -arid Ticvj i.n I-ol,ii t.ii(, li,3ycliolopical ind liyliriot,ic I t, ir, the r-,@,nera.1 nonc.tusion o,- Te-;,-n2 t,r!c.llrli.@llip i7, J'ininciall-,i @iorthwiii.Ic -)nd t@iill ;.n v-i(,,w of' t.nf,@ t,) o,,il,c, adcii.t,ic)nLl fiin'1!3 can b- L7ivl--n t,o thi:-, projr:ct, Ai-Lh sironf@ ,17,@111T',,ince that Lhe mone-T will not be ,;asted. or is ii -ib, bc) Uti 1 ii (I @i ii 1 iy In,", (111,1 I 1. I y 'Ln ttic fi.clcl b- rijl(,, oC,th(, Ai-@@cliokp T(,aiii ,i'np-n traveiinf,' to A,ak,--, -,jitn ti-,n or -@'tlip 't,o 2 h,7@ T)o@.ht- it, @41i.ic@i @'iie Articlio'N-c work i3 t,o clot),, , i;.I- n,?c,?,.,sary '1'?l is r 2 @'no A t-tic,,Iiok(@, -,;ot-k, -I)c tiirne-@l ov r r t o tli 9 f e Lrl 3 t,,-i @, I- c ri 5c r tli c i. r ]-a tc, r i i 7, c 2 In@;oPir 2 equii)rii,,r),i, L,( 1:(, in lh ;@rti- utiol((-- .4oT-k o;-.'"oz- in work fted in the f@-,Lf@7, t,o sill."Q ovcrsc, , con(tiL.;.2on@-, l@,-,Forr,, -tir@, !).IITI@- of' I-'u t i,vpq of cqiiil)mcnt. 3- A7-tic@i work ii to he @7,,ator7, I.,c fo,.lnd who hive wide iatiF,,iia@-,c ab i i t-; T f int,orro r I'c tic 'Jfi ,ir,@ -c -1 -viffA.Tf-i @,) @ r l,r, should 1,F3 f@i,,n@rl t-o those individtj--,Iz hiiiinf, i vcli i.:jtri.c,, a medical.-Cs., rxcri.lent covcr. h @itiouid iiive tlir? 'r,(,ncri-@u or cor7,11!t,3tioll 14it powfr @it.bc!;t.. j7; -)n iinr-rt,,iin qii--3nLif@y, q IC c n 2 T)ow(-rcd ,3.nci i,c 3t I-,i-c,3'3nt 'Viorkinf-, on tItiF, f,yp(- or arid wili, ;3@-z scr)ti ll,)7, til,3 one i---i ion.-il. rcck)mtnr@nd,,qi,.ion@-; t,hit, Lht@3 tyl@r or for,;,irded to the V.'17,IeDI17, 1:7 2I I., I--Ed th,-it-, t@iis i,vrc of ncluipin--,nt be @le in r@-,:@d@7IC7@ a 3'uai,,dtv i,n @,hp, event or r)o;.Ter F@.aiiurr@s. Ft is r@,,cc)inin(!ncled that, in t,he i!3 Art.@-chokc or)cr,-itions a.i-? ccntpmpl.,itc(i 1,3r@7er nic,il t@ic ikrt,@c@iokf-- tocniiician ii,d --i -i--d t,.)-f 2f' () f'r i c c r@e s e Ti to (IL@ 1 -3 in t-) Li-I orL e r:i t.i an ; rc, irid det'JiL s -ii-c nri,-,r I-,,o 'thc of tii,i, @'ki-ti.choke In woiil-ri ',-p f,i(-i.or in -@ncre.-isin,,- t'ric 't,rcl-inic,).I. @n(i operitinr- of +"ic I,rl-li- chok2e work. 'I"cpiii 1'elt thpt tlie )f Z),i I @'; '@ L - ,.' luion ']'lie F;P-curi @ln@3 W,n-,Lclh offir. L n rc- @,4ho iii t,@ic co,.-cre@t ilo!-, iiinisl.rllive 2rletai.is arid @'llic @)crsori,il in LhL,@ olipra@ioll. 2. I'h(- W I I 1,-l r r work @ii @in llnil@311-1@tj-,i @nLcll.i @ini I'@@ "I Till y rK ild h--ave b!:c,i rJi-ffi-c,@ilt, if TIO@ inpos:;ibl,2. -2- Hamm gin mom teclinicij. i-ili 'i r-,h r, m it L i.,f) 1. c Lnterc A m,3.iiner i@y re- I(, i,,-Iie.3t -ikill 2 r)ariciil. o prr)v-i,3(-- @is an ib7,c).Liite 'hqin- -ril.ical., @@40 com.-Ti-"lt7, 1,7.c adcie@l for corif-@i-c)qritic)n in future r,)I)P-ration,@' ccn7,tini !Ti tlio makeup of iri 2 @.I,e fc-li- n-Lqucs 'I'h i o C c ou i-s e imp.l.ie3 f Lii,-@rit. of n-i 1,iv-, 2 ;In-] Ration @,cclini(ities -ire vti,-A-L iti ArLictiokr, op(',rl.tion-3. P. If at in opera@.i.on@3., th(-@ 7-3rR t,lic ol)er,-.t,i.(in lie cl-osc@r i-,o itl(, the ()r)er,-,t.lon jij7,t coricl.uclc(i. I'he r:-@c,),,iii7c@-, 2 Fccurit,- 't, @Le 7,,i l@ii, -is or iiicre,i-zf-,,l c f f @ci@-n(-Y, sp,@ed @ q tc, @7,i Fo n-@ 2 to 4 i-,iikc, oti,? ol) 2 ,r-,il,J In or tri,,c@,- or -Lri -i c-Lo7,c(-', rr,,,)tor of w@i(,rpin ihe siil- 2 ct)iil.,i ii,@ lrirzpo,-,Cd @i@t,",iout t,he dinf,-er of ol-.ser-j,-Ltiori c e r 1,@ic nu@- or 7,11'ej(-,Cts F'@.irt@ierl iore i t, i7, -? V:?fl i@:-, -,-i c ti :)F t,he prol-ln!ris of tti(@, ;7,li:3rcir, @n i.ii(@ 9 Sol