-7 41e Dde 11/26/51 -MEMO 0."Ol from Answering p 4,OF'71 Your Memo Su@ject IIYPODFRl,'.-IC ll'F, r".D I The examinution of tlic-, samples @ifa:bm'itted de- monstr.Lted that the bra.@is cap 1'rom the collapsible tube- contained a frk.Lgment of a steel hypodermic needle and. that thi.s fragnient was identical in every rest.,ect to the 2 section of hypodermic needle submitted separately. Spe6trographic comparison shovied that the rel- ative amounts of residual impurities such Ls Cr., IZi., l,n., Cu,, MO., etce are the.same in the two sections. They v,,ere also found to be icientical in outer disi-neter and structure 8 as detemined metallographically.. 4L cc: lie E SPMIAt?@-SAIIIPL @AMPL :7. REPORT BY 2 DATE, N 0 V.T@74 B r7- P,:.@ 9 5 1: Tub e Tu ap, be it" @ll , ,,, .4 @Kli'f -SAMPLE-@ 2 I C Cap ib e N O.' @Fla I'l P a all To Tip 2 int,,-' tase O e Tftin r'. r a e, linor'@ J 0 M 2 ra minor, trac e + t' c e 2 t 'trace.-. a t.e race Tn a e Cu' ','tra c e 'trac e2," C. ra -t ra 6 e@.@.i 'C O. -trace'-. J.1 ra 2 C Tna or 8L J (t@ e., nil, 2 ;r Tn 1 fir :;:rni O rac t Ira C P 2 -nor min 'v": n trace M nil a 2 ".tr a. -el.,:.'r' '.tra ra6 tra-0,A,.. '-trac e'@., r C, t r oL c "n nil4 5 oil 41 44' L* -@H tODERM16;:iitEDLES' @14 .'!J; DATE I., 0 VEM '-'27 E @A trac e.@ r Z4: 0 e 'ace ir t e trace 2 k Cl 0 e .--'trace4 ragmen@;--.of @ne e d le' re c ove r,ia:d@,f roi I", -b rac e@L rass'f )rrult 2 t -@Ncedle 3@i]2mi t te r-EL6e", race-.,. @M -itwo eiimple No @isign. e.r..en@ce -d 4 -be t" ficant' e -,,tra ;lb A 14 kl 9 ',.I At e 'tr. 0 dy..,@ oH-yp o d e rmi cN e e dl -.bpass 'f errule- enelo'si'n a, ru of 14 a@'hypodermid'needle, "'@and',,I/ V@ - i nch @"'pt e c ecu A' sted"end. one -inch@"@length-of'.a'rusted@'hypodermic @,needle were'mounted,,:in,bakelite -.-ground down'to present &,lon'gitudi'nall:secti@on"in! 2"the needle end,.-@,poli'shed@' t.f or'@'.@me@tallo@@raphic.'examinetibn@ @,l@@-.'B6th'@ ieees'o:c",.Ste6l,,@aeocile were obser.ved-@.@ ete@ 4 e 0 r 2-@.,but-@,. it was'.,not@ -i', P-,,@about"- the.., -.B.Sme di am E)nts '-to', the ib'le'@?@:to, malle mea saremi -'du rust,ed,,,,.,-,!; -,i (Y@,w "4 I", L I2 i6 rip. t I on i@-andv: mi orographs':' ar6,@',attache)d I-Y; i 4p b s@i mitted,,' 2 -i .3..t L t'i 4 Lri ri 1"*A" jho, to P U or pthei purpobeg'o2ver our, signe@4r$ ft"r "Ohm* wif,""Ut @r-prial I,-rmipvtorl in Al 4 Nil It'd, polished x iioo tit 2 Lorigituciinal -section ground part way through the wall - of'; a - hol low,: steej. needle encased in brass. ri The@ bl :.areas -'Rre'@'voids due to ho.L e s rusted through:'jth '-steel2@;fxlom.-insidej toward the.:.Outside. 'and below the:. 12e e dle. 10ox Plate. 6519 As' poli sh2ed Longitudin&.L Isection'ground'a',very -li tti ,i-@,(-wa7.?,'into,,",the@ wall.@,ofk'a@@hO.Ilow'@,tsteel"-@needle.-. The'black" areas are'!-'rust 2 'P t s'; whi oh' 'th 'OUtside-'of@,the:!,,needlei.) !'4 'e. s Thl' C s e tionl@is''-'narrower@.-tha 2 f .above t e.@@ grinding did.,no J. '.I . ar progress' as @;f t@,,'@;"'The"-inclusion' p2attern"of 'thi s p i e c of @@-:s dle)-.,,repres.ented',',,by'@'-,the! small;! black' is ab . dots, @@Bamei,6LB@"that in":,the,+,!,.brass -@-enc@osed hep.dle,, ,abov Plate 6521 Etched With Nital iooox Plate,-6520 Etched with Ni'tal 1000 X LU; II ti oil 2 ;tt 6i 1 zi tk et," Jr m .!kit rTi 41