;11,10T 'L @AIIDUTl RELATIVE TO TITL U',jl-" OF TD 11-T INTE11ROr,'YATIOII. A. OF TI@IL [)RUG This substance can be administered to the subject eitlier by injectirir2, it in cigarettes to be smoked by cubject, or by placing it in food %,71iieh the subject is certal.-i to consume. The use of cigarettes Is somewhat unsatisfactory as the dosage cannot be acei-irately controlled. T'llils resiilto from the variety in sriolcing liabits, since gorie r)ersons inli2nle deeply, some f3liEhtly and some none.at all. It is riecessary for the impregnated portion of the cigarette to be burning and the amolte tlierefrom.inhaled by the subject in order to produce tl7,e desired effect. -@;lien the atibstance I.- placed ii-i food ,i,-iich 2the ,iubject is certain to colisun-e the dosage can be more carefully-conlu-r'olled. Since the substance is odorless, colorless arid tasteless, it cannot be detected in the food. TI-ie capacity of various neoule to absorb or tolerate this drug varies. I have found that a may.inum of 3/100 c.c. in sufficient to prod2uce the desired affect on even the riost roolstant si-ibject wlien'@-,idn3.ni3tgred ln@.ornally. '-@71tic(, sorie prrsons do not l,ave a,,, -rea@ a -tolerance aq others, It is ,iu,!-c-ested that the drtic, be admlii.l..'3tered in s5ucce,qsive doc,,.,s of 1/000 c.c. until tlp closired eff'oct is reached. The operator Is cuationed that internal dosaf ,,,o may take as long, as 45 minutes to take effect, and that he should ri6t become Impatient and thereby i7 .,ive azi overdose of the dru in atterrptinc to expedite the process r B. TLCIrilIqui: If the operator will r-emember that the dru2g roughly produce's the effect of mental Intoxication without:.the symptoms Of pl-lysical intoxication produced by alchbol he will have a practical catinate.of the effect of the drug. In order-to obtain desirable results it is necessary to "0(3"u- the 9tnCelf so the subject-will not realize he is 2the object of interro- r,ation. The drug will not nroduce desired effect v.,Iien the subject is on Iiii iuard a,- the r(,,qult of norr-al apprehension. The interrogation ,3h.)uld be carried olit 'UliroiiGh protoxt a,nd Indirection. The technique used should be comparable to that 2 adopted bv investigators in a ropinf," job.' This means the subject's confidence should be gained tliro,,irli subterfuge and pretext by the operator prior to the Fttte--rnt to --aln the desired infor-,lat.Lon. Outstarl(lin[-, cliarac@'eristics of the drui3@'art- tha accentuat;io2n of subject'.9 Dersonality. If suLJect is a- brnF.Cart the d-2-,t3 will increase thts trait. If '.in is a nen,,3un1lit tlll.,q c)iai,acter- istic ,,iill be eKeLECeratod. The drug brcodg lrresponolb'Llity and relaxes inhibitions. It causes a person under t1he in- fluence to become excessively inlverested In a topic of ---------- - conversation to the point vrh,-re lie will insist on giving his viewpoint on subjects under d-trcu3oion. Appetite on'd t'Altrst will sl-,@arply Increase. It is to ncco,,-,ipan-.7 adz-ninisti,atlon of i;lie dru,- viith tlap c,)ri:iumptlpn of alcoholic drinks for tl-ie reason if an.y unusual sensations are experienced uy subjpct they will be attributed to the alcohol and not to a--iotlior cauze. Alcohol does not appear to affect tl-io use of the drug althou-Ii, of course, excessive corisumption of liquor would produce a dual Intoxication. Overdosage will not have serious physical results,, but will make tlie.subject aware some foreie;ri substance hd3 been admirlir,tered to lilin. Upoii receipt of an o-.,erdosage the subject mill e2xp(,rlerice verti@Lo and faint uiid bocome un- conscious for aeveral minutes. Consciousness will then-be recovered arrj tlie lubject will quickly.return to normal@,- but lie will be full-y aware that sorrethlri;- liao liappcned to lilm2. The ad-ii.-itstrati.-)n'of Llifi drug is u3.oleg-- in a formal "inquiry and can only I)o ilso(,- sticconr@full@- Ets aii ticcompan,,,ment ti tl,.o ron(,ral "ro@,ing" tocl-u-ilque. A basis Qf trust and friond:6j'tilp.inu3t bo establisliod by IV-lie opera,i-@)r before adi-,iini;Bteriri@,- the dru[;.