- -- - - - ----------- 't'r,-in!imitted lierc,.vti.h .irc. the clinici' r,!i)orti e)f ;tn(I '@iigust 195@l. Tlit@ otit,-,irle tci-i)pcr@iture A,a-,; v,@,r,,- Iiipli -,vit@i a -iti-nost)h,!re. Te!@t2i \,jcrf- in n@,ri-.-iir c,onrliti(ll,,,i st,-inily litimi.-.1, ,@4 )ncl @!stini@it-ccl in7, c -r);ic r -c; r- -(I fi-c -i '11) to 11), d@-',7rc,c!3 1,'. 124? ter .)tllr,. ,i rig, -)n The driig iise--d in tli'is ca!-,@! was sodium am),t,-il liitravzri,-)usl,)-, 57o .50111tiun at th@., rile of I cc a minu''c. The stjmuliiit !n-iploye(I %vas brnze(Arinc 'iii,ra- 2 .Panc@)usl@, at th,-, rite of 1 cc zi rninut,-- plus li@ mg giv,:@n orall), at the coiaipleticiii of tile t,---chni,itie. Tti- intravenous injection bc-gun at 13'3z@. %t 134,@, ',I. I cc had bc-en adrninisterkid. At 13,15 the Subj2ect was sound aslecp. II. was possible to arouse him but in order to obtain the exact state desired intravenous benz(-,drine, as a stimulant, was ar-irninistercrl. j@,t 1405, he was accessible, but Iiis sj)ct:ch ,,.,as quite thick. .,@it that time 1 cc more of b,.-nzeiritic %v-j.--, f7ivcn in"r,-ivcnouslv fol- 1,,iwing wliicii he was in the prol,er st@Lte for ttit@ int@--rroo@-.Iti -oil. The interroF-Zit;.C)n and other conv.,!rsition %vas c,-@ntinu.@?d iin,@,-Il 1,1411 ,vlic-n tl-it@ Sub'cct2 "VI" f,-t) I dt 0 C@ -ilulion, to Villicli lie di,@i. @%t 1453, lie was @,,iv@-n -' cc of th,-, bcnz@!drine sL follow nF- \vliich ]it! beckme -juitf-- widc awikc. i@,t 1615, 1 ben7,edrine Liblet was ken orally, the dose being 10. mg. given to be ta The Subject had amnesia as to his converinticins under t-he izifluence cif the medication. This test -vas as siiccessful. Tf-s! IIZ Tht! drug usrd in this cise was sodium a2!-n-itii inti,,-Lvetiotisl@-, 57,lo soluti@in given at the rate of I cc- a minute. The total amount administered was 16 cc or 1). 8 gm. The stin-iiilint vis benzecirine, 20 mg, Z-5 cc ntriivcnously. total of 0 cc wis given or 36 mg. The injection was started -tt 1141. i@.t 21152, after the administration of 11 cc of sodium irnytal sc)ilition, the Siibiect said li i -3 head felt wooz,@-. :A'@ 1155, lie ,vas nearl-i bilt a,,v@xl@c-.nc!cl with a rtart ulon beiri7,,,y arou5f@!-i. From ttiit time on, h,@ occ,--ir2ionlilli, @7@vcn I cc morf, of the sol,-i@,ion ii-i order to mkinf.,tin the I)rop(-r st,-Ite for the teclini,lue. At 1231), he was ar,,iln asleep but e,-isily -troused ind the --,arn-- If 1?-45. Tlle desired -ff,-,c@. of th2(@ mr,..Iicitioxi ,.vis @ntei-- lintier s !Tiiul,-tt--i eiicn-i,; con,.Ii@ion-, an@i h,@- @i,)r)ti occ,,XS@(,Iii 3 durinq th2 interrorit;on as hl! w-is c-n,.,izic(2,1 th-i2t th- Iii!3 rnemi@!9. @",t 1250, (h(@ silii-nijli,iit begiin -it ;iftu-r the ;@t(Im n 3tr.-iLi,-)ii ef 7cr: r-,.f bt-@n7,,-clriti,f s,)Iiitt,,n, 1-i,- s;ii(i tlitl li,- gtjll feli, Ilc %vi3 fiven il-cc i-n(,)rc! -,i.L 13()3. At 1353, lie -,vis t 1,1')4, hc! ,vas 5eiit to eat and ttien ilee-,:). He sa@d lie stili felt a 1,.ttlc dizz,)-. T'li,@ I;ubit@ct hid ainne,si,-L a3 t,-) @i@,i con,,,crsition,-i tinti,-r th@, influ(.@ii@:v of tlic-- T--@st @3 The medication a(iministerzd was sodium amytal ;ntrxvenousl),, 57,0 solution gi.v:;n aL the rile c)f I cc a minute. The t3timulant8 were bcnzt-@Lrine in- travc,ii@.,,usl)7 aiid i@icrotoxin -Fl-,c t,)t,-LI amoliiit of si@iiiim am)til -idministrcrQ,l wtc, 16 rc @-)r 0. LI I-n). Tliz -tinou2nt of the bei-izcdrine s -,Itl ion t.ot.3.lcd 5 cc or mg V.',Is oiven Iil,,l 1. 5 cc- of picrotoxin. The m,::dication wis begun at 1048. At 1106, after II cc had been adrnin- i-,terctl, the Sul.@jecL coml)laine(i of blurred vision. i@L 11122, f.ollo,,vinp th,,! adz-i-iin- irtration of 1'$L' cc (total), his zv,-s f-,rci-ned hc-Livi. At LIZI, after thz total -Lct- ministration of 16 cc, lie foun