on r-I'll,ii rr, i.nf r ruc- It ic, or li--s'iiisli ldecn Imr.),.-.@n a:7, TD -rruth 31 cliemisto only,,,@n@i is rTi oil o,,doi- )i- co]-or. ',-h@,, 2 hc,,r,- 0,;"n no r,F-,@,7cn to I)el.;-eve -Ill-@cr --c ation @D-rid u3cc; ol@ is :,I'-o 'I.1ylos"@ to Fi-d for t@Iii-s re@ison t,liere d,,.nF@er -ie o' oi-.r of 0 n. 2 o 'n ,t i n Co Tool@3 t r,@,,sent the oi.l. is put 2 up bT- -,s o' ?cc. in:l@:;much as @i doso-- is .03c(, a,re t,,@o !;-@T'-9 ?i-r 1,7@e.-Tt I)e t'-,,:, 2 foi- i of even boda- or @lic .1',-i,-n 't-,ce --n,.l r,;@ - I v t re f@r a w; t: n 2 e7 liel@ ,icf iricnc ','Ii( ol CO'@) ir @l, lir-i 2 ,iien exp@)seci to -ir c v,.,, r 4 ie 't- 7-L -in to como -9,n OL': 1, 1 si7@cs,, i re rr,. _ri Monona C- E3 C+ C 2 C 0 EQ Ct < It C* F- C, 2 ::; r_ 9:1. tn cr, cl@, C, tz, 2 C, C+ C- C- 0 0 0 0 C, 2 C+ P) c@ C C- C- 2 cr, C H, pi CL C 2 En (n CT (Dr U) C+ C- 2 k, C+ CA Er t-l@, En C) ri. C, C- I--,a P.- or c@ 2 0 C+, H. U (E C+ Er r C+ C, L 2 cl c+- c- H, CD (ii @% 2 i-- 0 c- c+ CD (L 2 ct 97 cl+ c+. (Y Lr ::I CD t.-2 rli c@ C, c+ V CL 2 IT cl c+ c+ Ir (L 2 c@ @T. @-I c- (r c+ c- c+ 2 c- (r c- & >. = :3 C cl c+ 2 C, C-, CD c+ 2 :@7 c+ Cj c+ or, 1 (T IL< rj, t@- -,-i it 4-,) op ':,'ar @,rnu in only tot)-not,--h oowv-r-,.# "er-nan militiry or (ne @2"Eirrinn z,i'Tio (-Tri r@ i,],:i r c- cl in o-I iiis n r7 (1) the do7)tli tr) .,lltirh thr-, nr 'lerrrnn rltlirifir-ine O"i c' th,-no it-,mz-, i.nt-r@,st @,o nt tilc 2 cc,,rr@,iridor -.,tRs i-ii-,@itrd o-.rcr t;o thfl, oL'Picf@,,rcl r.-I,,ib fol- a few was more nr iess rurto-,nni--r. Aftcr a (irinks an(-l sonic i.t c(:@,Lz2d 2 b,@ soon thnt i-thilf@ ii,- tol Ir f'reely on rilmos@ nll riitf,(,r,-, -lio a,,,,Sre of' @lir,, L'@t-t th@i-@ a-i -ii@-lit I)c --o -in@i-n from 2 "",,Io -Lyi. r7 '@v rni,li@ tr rr@i-,I-, a npproxi-)TiRtol y an lioiir iirtd. 2 ft-c:r, @h(, rir@:t ri-1-:iini,7+ra',,.o'n, of tlio cm@ in P. rc@unrl-,it)o,it -nnd -inoc@.ont mi-rin,3r, 'o @-li(, qti,@s t,; ol -.OC mn--ci-rLu 2 M, dcoth. The corimander, ;kl4 @hoUf-,h at tl (i-fili t-lv linc!cr th-@ qf"cct,-, o@' @hc rlr7ir-, was s@iil -iinr@, tin(i --nrliClt(,,c,' lir@ not iTl@'nT-M.1l.tion on tiiir, r)c'lnt. 'tic-II ,i r 2 c,@Ti-:-rr7cd '@'.)(-)Ui; t'Lq r I-o tho nn(@r@@tor frcn ity n 2 ol' 1,1_ ellfCl-C wrrk. Th-? dope r-eddle'r telopli@-,ned Illd. Floiced to cr-,r-,c 'n :-,("C thr@, ope@-Rtor rcscr,.becl Iii-qsr@lf --)s conTi,5-@r-@-d iiith q(!crr)t 7o-,r-r-r,(,nt .@;or@,- find who in r @)cddler, 1,@l zcpic of r)atriotim anrl -)resented it r,,x-,)Iainfd ',@iEit il 2 was @lhou!rht rc,ul.cl )@c u-,@d Por @s-iona-@, on 2tilrn@ tlii7 line cnrrie,-i on for q,-rif, "im,@ !ii-icl tie:, mnd@r,, to an'T 1(7tivitir,-, or 'Ulic (.'one AlLIlour@h '@,lie Ini)r). po(l(ller2 not -Ir-in@- liquor, he vias p,3rstiidad to ji;st onE, liqueLLr to ]@ecT) L-hc onei,eltor "co--,PrLni@." ALF:O, ciltrinr,t@ic tine, tliren- ci,7arette,-z h%@.(,' beer. 2 to ii-im at different tirt9s. Lni@- ef@Cpc.;' qi-tit@ rnnid -in,l in allc,,it 20 i-,I-ird -i(,d,l] cr Lolrl )C the ri,,triii ill.r!r-,nl 2 in riiic-li lirt@,l I)ron F@-n-I cf nt,.r(-, I-,icF. '-,r@ -il7o namrid o' Iiir, a nssocintes and oP2fi(,-ialr, vir@re also 'Lni(,l-Ted in ricti-r;-t,r, althoup.,-h hc.,,,ias .7ell fivir-re 'hRt tlio -Rc,,rion to -@-ilicm he @va3 I-,Rllinc, i-.ri n4-Ilt b@! in the Cutit2r@,, T lii-.tic lril@2r i)od(Ilor (-o-ic)]-rtincd of v,@ry as thourh he h@td lia(i -@-,o r.,,icii lial.tor. T@'f, ,2i:z ,iTi b@,(-al:zsc he hicl h,,irl one, drink. Tte did -tri@e 'll@Lt he 1)nri PL 'Liftle Iii.,- rdir,rct.i(-r cnd lie li,,.ci not @a!,.cn f'or 24 hoiir.,. ';'lie iz,,) 1-1.@tir,. 'r)iti I-,lie an ln(I @)iq 1;0 '11. alQnr")I.ic o-ic the (iiie-IlioninF o' a-)proy:imRtglv 30 o@@'icers -"-n the s--ce ?f n-ic @i-r. 1 of the offe@.cers 4 slisTect@,@l of @)ei-nF r@orrriuriiF,'Us -,in,l the to C@ll 1) r r i) :7 @l ri f: 7,A c, n @nl-tnis+,s 2Find were sil@ql-),"iOu-', their f'@-ar@7 conc(,rninF- the v,,ere not e t- ri. r'irlir7 Find (@,@,ic rtijn- t@icir 2 t'@l@ini-l-trn.tinn r)f t@,,3 cir@ip) in c i o d it is f-h- @:7i], Or f:o rt it. fr2'nr, otherq t,.ike only a few oliff s and in the iterim either hold the) cif-,ar,@tte in t-lh(-ir h-@nds or nlacc it on oil a:-,Ii trfly. To log(-,' Ft 2 e-, @iru@ l,cinr- i@. while t@iis is bo no@ to !Ii@ ri i r.- I-,oc ii-rr t)iq )g.-)-r or in too r,@re@h f-lif- rrri on-r,-@,r,r T,111" rl )@:r, -i-t',i-r O'J cc ir or .01 cc ;.n nf' 2 @.-A L t@ o.f' I Q q -,ir, - e (I .7or inst-3ii(,c, .91 cc c-(-itld I)n -ila,3ed in of ),-)e -i,,r,)n -iib 3 @ii-"f-c-,rent @Lmes, @-,o !@,-T to ntzt "ne ollpr-,-tti n)i. @3' 0 CD 'D 2 ID Ir tn ZD cr 2 iH. C+ la cn 3 @l2i- - I --f St Is Ct 2 P 'D P. ct 2 F" C4 c2r F-- 0 ti 2 ID D C+ 2 ct LI ID 2 ct In k-i ct iL 8 f-L :LI ct zt- 2 ri ct 41 2 cr ct 2 ct zi C? 2 cr I 'T Al 2 cr ci 2 ci- o 8 Ir .3 0 2 cil 2 ci LL 2 C-t ci 2 r.L. cr 2 cr f ID 2 71 (D 0 0 O' 1 1,3 -Ti -1:7 I-- II C., II iirk (-)f the f,,.c@t -;ilien lie i-n,-,iinr, n,,rr-.aii.ty ririy 'i, n 9 li fir--, -@r t r) s (7t 7ni j,; i-. I)o -.--n r! r-,i 1:7 ri "'c r n n -