--?142 3 1) R tL F T In cooneration wi.ti. esires to test a new AEZT.ICIIGIZ- technique. The technique does not require the high security considerations utiiized by i@RTICliO@l to-an on its iast visit in that the application of the technique to the subject takes ac e unde i@ pe rf e c tly normal c i rcums tance s .71 tliout- the s ub j e ct be iri6- p@ aware o-e the applicatidn of the techniqiie. There are no if ter effects. It is desired tl@at a minimum of 102 ,,-Ilbjects be found for t--,gting purpoo,--s. The subject,-3 should be persons -nho are suspected of hi,,,ing more iiformation tliaintlaey have dividged to date. I'ney @hould lia-;e a motivation for decep- tion for )TiWioldinr, of inform-ation. They should be persons 'aho liave L2-,-,eii previously Uioroughly in-terrogated by case officers ant those case officers siioiild be avaiiable to conduct the int@orrogation durink- ',,he application of the technique arid in the position to deter,-,une eiliether the z-,ubject reveals informalioii hitherto unclisclosed as a resuit of t.2,iis @xclinLqur-3. Team mefnbers @lill not be present duriiii @he course of 'Uhe interrogation but ,vill observe and monitor the interrogation to detenta'ne reactions of the subject, psyrlio,Logica.1 behaviour, i-r-(iical reactions and o'ulier a-opccts of this type of interrogation. Sug2,,estcd t@l-)cs of sub4cr-ts rniglit be certai iontific personnel recently returned f and agents or indigenous personnel uluiiized by the operauons in 'Uhe field. q'lie Icnc;vilecIFc of this ti2rlitij-qiie ,;Iic)ul(i ho only to senior official3 in a position to produce subjecl@'s describe@i abo-;e. In addition kno;Tied e of telm aetivities @liould bc restricted to the mininnm number of persons rieces3ary. W' ill -liarg- tca:fi act as liaison poiiit Yjitli stiticn pp-r.,3onnel. 5iipport in the form of facilities and. otlier agristance @,,ill be requircd 4iid K;USE ISEUDO). It is de@-2ir-ed that subjects be selected in order that -Uie tean arrival on approxinately 16 i' pcr--it irimediate processini@_, of t-he subjects selected arrive xn a fcw-davs in advance of the team to confirin arrangements and prep.-Lre the schedules of intei;rpgationo and the conditions iuidci, v;liich tliosc interrogationsnill be carried out. 2 I IBMall