CA 311 J"z - 40 S(it out he io,,i a re a 3,!ries ol' (iues tions thit. 2 i'rc,rii tirie, t() t41 m:@ as Lhe work prot;re5:3ed ,iri(i w(,ri- j(-)LLc-(J do-1-41i @,:v wril-,f?r as to the operation and lny ,iu@,5cqticnt i.ctivi.ti(-,5 l,hit itiic@ht fol-Low t,h(@ oo(,.r;i- ;3rc- m(irc.Ly 3eL do@in to @is7,ist in th,,, Df the wo2ri< and what liad gonc into th(2 prec,aration of this Lrl.p I-,, n(i his'A8sistant. The notes were not written at one, but over i of ciay@i and ar,,.@ in no ordrr 4haG3oever: specifically, are "L", lif@it Incj a. ferre(i to qjiriij2e or n-iin@tic C3 @iib.,s'fa4rice usf?ri tr, cofree be chE@ck,@d out to ,iheth(,r or noL LhLs a f @ic t. -,ier(@ fii,? ox,.3ct dos-av,@-tF, uscd and ii2-)w 'a If t,tie dos.,if7f?,; -.qcrt@ not @i iiquici, wii,,i@ -da3 'ulie 3.jyiount oi' t,iie, su(,,rile wal,@-,r ,@re ttic pi-@@@1--iratLons products? 2 tjhy viere he rr@-@f)@3rationc, so of't,en iis(-cl in rnint,in--@tj-,Cn -Aii I'hen a@@;iin onl-@, orip it, a time? In f7hort,, .4h.v colt.ldn't t.he.,i iiav(-, all hf@c,n Itsed to,--4et,hr?r? '.-Jhy coui(Jii'L q ;LI. @,lhv wis no U Art--Lc.@toke 1)ricf @!fj cu I-al- I y @n ter-hnica.L detiil@-,, (f th(ir ",t;e so thit, t@ip Al-ti(,hokc,- T@,,@irn (,oi,l2 Ld by o@- ti.on arid monitorinrp thfi @if CPct:3'? Ai Llic) uf;i)i statz d tiie (Iruf.-s ii-iri .3n 2 r'lit @ioric f@f flect, ,It)ci 11 r@ en denc,@ tb mndr@ the sub -ix , th ', j(3(,'t rel, @30 ioore a2nd F!eTiera.i that-, judr@inrr was 4i7l !)ia stitistic:-, on the stiif.icrii,.-, are the 1-itabistics, 9. How riany students wer,3 actu,-iliy i,isto-d in the tes2ts? a. 'fo wiiit extpnt wa fcd ? 'Po what ext?nt did' ate 1,,ei,sonaily? iO. "-ihat controts were us(@ci? Dptails. 11. Were stujentj @wer cross-c,@iecked on poi.,@Fral)h? 12. Whf wrr--@@-nd fro,,i the cotif ereii(-, del@Lbel""-Y,w@@L-L 13. iqho i dri-ig,/chemicii man i a. @Vhat 3or@ of a stnfc does lie @iive? b. Ex;ictl.y what does o? i@. 4 hy akc thf-, d.nip,,/'chemic-al 31-)eciaiist @rislead Of --se tp@',ts" 2 H f'uii check, inv(,,stLFation, lr)ci audit, tyl the or @ic'? 14 " 9 1.3 @oii,; t@i 11 till t, W e S P- til(@ t TIVE F, t @ i@ @l Gi Orl .Dn 4 i6. "-ih.y did i l@et"aiiL@ of' ar(, nece3@3 a 7,tr,-)rii, s,@,ciir@t i7. Why werp we tol(i2 thi t had to be in oA tn r-, I oni of Se ti@mt)er at the iValooFt, yet in the fi c@ P-i,ence A&Mdimk&Pl , , d this. 2 uenie 18. ',Vhat is thf. @si PC R')tJ(@ii DP.AF'T' ari t,,,iL if,- sh,@' nrar-tirj n,;, at beiii:- 7,7rrLEd? 2 ;7@ 19. if the driii,r, ii,,cd ill tiip- tests wei,c s@,and;ir(l, why ,iprerilt; -,ic told at 'once? 20. What irp the offe2ct3 of liquid ;@nfi. 1'00(J ill cotill .r.Li.on wit@l the drufs? a. Is t,hr, (:Inirr, @-ior(, or less f@ff'ecil-i-ve 17ef*or-? or after large quan2' of food or iarf,@@ (l,iantitit@s or liquid, etc., etc.? 21. 4hat are t,he effect.s of ati fh,, with tli@@ driifr,? ; r-)e c @ Ci ci L 1,, ,4hy di(it) Si es to I)c used instead of cnntin@iil'iy aski.,,i", t lic @qhr)tjid t' ry this time or.:3o lnd so ana sucii - dose? 2 is the,prope., 'IO 2 2 Why wir>--:i PICI.I,';,'ITlt to li@7, -",Criz',' ha-' mrde i trip @fore to 2 3tU',IY the V3 t il,,Llco* -i t first hand 5tiou hlv(, 'I-)ee7i -,icil 4.,4,-Irc f,fi;lt Tno@,L 2 of fhe @qork iiot @e con-duc@ed in ,i pi,,?Ps,-in'U 23. Hoii can any subs'lince3 be caiied siirri3ptillnic if a Silb,iect gets cirunk when ilsinry -Lt? 2 24. -Was giiinine or a b r_ siibs ance acti.taiiy evei- .7iz5ed? C-1 6'9 e WA (@lieck this @,iit,i 14 2 1:@ i,,s i.n troul)lc 2 (livc)rr-,,@, hc,4 call -,ie this trio? wotild th@, o iii tlip- event of a scin(Jil or possible suicide? 26. Ha vr-,r run an audit on If riot, -oih2,,, iiot,' /3 27. .I I i,v i i ohvioti,@31.,y kep-o U@3 aliIV from at rr-o,ip) to in CoLq@@L@)n -,4ith ArLi-ciio@. oe.1, ii(W htm or (joes ti,@ know low -3- "7 I?O[J(-,Ii DT,.A7 P 6 2 cv@-,i, t,rir,.(] @)ri or in t'he ii.,;e of 30. 4ere psychiatric 2tests ever tried in (,onn(@rtion'? 31. '4as hypnqsis ever ii!3(-(J inr-onnert.iori @iitti these dr,iF:5-c If so, what tiere l,he i-ec;uiL.,i'? .32 [[as r us2,?ci liypno7,i@; ori 1-1 01@ll _. @ioii ld @-,r arra 4 ver,@- discr,z!rt irit i't p iii .nectioti with thi'L,.5 ww2i@e' project on th l,estimony ascertaiiicd ii @3. ',-Ih@ did eave so siid(leniy? 3L. Vhit -.4er- the larr,,r,,7,t dosqpes ever c-i.ven r!xl)erimo-ntally or 2 ot@ierwise? Peru I l,s 35. 14o,.i coine these ;4@-4 subst,,inces are calied non-toxic'? .94hoggd&mr 36. Yqhat is the antido-te for each? ;J2hy di sa,, @,herf@,, was no antidote. 37. Wh Fti.k@,n in on "irst c.-i:ie l,y l@Tn ,iiich L ohouJ-(.1 ',-,e i st;3n(i,,ir2d t,kil,' "Tfl"atwaiiy IF,,?nc,,,r -)(,rsonnel 7ho!,iLd be I-,ri.,3C,2d r)iii- o-,;n peopic ,il)l)ronc@i,@d bli outsiirt,s, particiiiar@l; 2 in connection -,,ith expeririiantal proframs.) 38. 'eJer(! there ever aiiv -ictu;i.L chinr,,Ps Lri thfi :-torir-,s of the subj@!cts? ',4ere any @,ir-,nificant orc)d,ic,@d', 2 4ere there an .y po,3i.t,ii@, det,,-iiis, -.idinissiori@; or cori'l"@sF;ions n,.-i@ic, etc., Ptc.? (In tlii3 connection, t,he @irj-t,E@r Ccr-is that '2orier rp,ports'by the (,aoe-officers ,ioiil(i pT,obt@).Ly l,e o.L' val@ie i n tl i r-, -icces,-im(,,nt of tlii3 type of researcii.) 39. the writer -vias able oniy to physica2iiy ()bs@!rve react@oris in the fLrsL tw@) (,are,,; @tid, in part,, cover bv !-ic)riitoriiir, the I.ast t,hrpf? carc@;, the write'!r noli-ce'd no or cut E!x,,impie2q of ;,,oo(I fpeling on "iie r)art, of' the subjf2ct or any real euphorla on the part of' the 5iibject., etc. )jO. dr,.iwLtii, (,ilonr,, the lin(l, 2 fttiiriv, before and at't-or do::ai-(,-;'? r r,, t -i -,in or. Ilef-,Lg c)[' 3 at 4/3 b -Jpr@, the P.orschicii tef3t ev,,r lise(i ;I L3 Li. !iow cojid yoii pos:@,ihly -t(i-ntnist,!r i.iir@7,q -,jltli -i *I v,@ry touf@h ;4n(J very inleiiiffnt individuii, i,r he refiised to have a drink of iriy I ii(ii-iid tilkinf, ,4ith you? 42. @(.r aiways Lal,,@ed about spr,-ci@t-1. sifns aryj i.ndica- :j, Otis th7towpoluid he noticeable wti@!n t,he Jrti@s -,jei-e I al@inz c-ffect. 'rh,- 'W@@@te to know jii,,;t wliitjere sipnz-) t.hlit Lo@Lid - ik(3 woiild not,i -r in(i2Lvi(luiL 3 11 ce -ani t@i@)t a,othf@ 4o,i!dW"-I,ot, or more specificaily a doctor or a coinpeterit iii- terrogator couldn't nolice. 43. Specificaily what did these,s do that whisky, beer, vodl@.-i, 2 gin woui'dti Can it hp, said th,,tt in anv wiy t@x,;eot f,hP- tcst wl,,i successful? If , after two years of research anrl hutidredo cf thous3tid5 Of dollars spent ind t,,Iif, on.@,f siibzi',qncf, d(,velot)ed stiyid,-trj conipaunds sucli @s the t),irhiturates,,cou,Ld we i case or fraud? T i' i3 hav@nr- -in him mi.2:3tress oi a c ti ovp- @4itn @iirl or if' the rr-,vr-r@-,e 0 a I OL npl tru(,, how can the it possibly bf- ,;tited thil, she w,-)u'@d be -3n impartiai observer? h7. In2 the critical opini.on of the writer, t,he Tio eirciii-nstanc-.s sh-ouid be oi, sholild hi,,re 'recn Liirticd )v@!r to .anyonc over!3eis. They snol-ild have been iR,;troyed befo,,2 retiirnlnr,, to the U.S.. 8!'his 3houi(i I-(-- checkr2(J out @,-y the pro- per peopl-e to see whether or not "his wa.,3 dotie.