c( i,.t APTIvi,rTL T-f I ,r;@'CIIT)Y ")F At:"; r@, will use for study the ali t,3idelit, in Uie United It will knowledc,,o2 of the impor-tant 'Irl(i p@-7 ,i.c -i t wo T-It In tl i-i )ii (I iii ti c@ nr,)CirLl ,rctlolor -Ii forccti eckin@.7 to icif3n".-ify fo,-cF-,n wl,-i,cli m.--iy b@., uti-liz,!ici to the niv-aritige of tiio @,nited -tt will nccu,-iuiqte knowiecige of those 3ociall ciltu,-al., and nnycholofzical j);ttl-.ernr, of tti n,,ition anri i'4fy w2iticil nuc;t be t.-iken J-nto consideriti@in In platining t@is acti,il.ti@@r oC t,,Io @initei a,-r@l i,ti al-clicies 4tiicll 'It will i,lerit-i-fy P,,-rrons a7,r.)ng2 ,ire dircctt-,ri at tli the rroup of resi(icn one @tio are patent-Lilly-useful for intel-ligc,,nce purroqenj it will assetif, t@,eir pm qcnt and trifir probrblc! f,,t@,u,,o nerfor:-,,inre 2i.ii 7-,iriou.9 fini Lt ',Zl 11 '@.ndl-ctte @lic ]--Lkcl7 arelis of iisefa]Lners. It wil.1 fkii,ther tec;t aelect@.@l- iTi,it,ri@Iii,il,g ,,I)o li.,ivo a Iiif2-,Ii nrDb,-tl)'-iity of b(,Coriii)?, %?,-iiiijbie I:y anrl t@i t.!"c .It -,Lill J,n or(It@r to t,,,z,-n 14ic)@ii@lits of t@lie 2 ill perfam t4iis study un('Aer tlie c-over of an Ill,colof,!.cal t3ui,vey of a licrac)r-(!neokis of dioplkccd pcrc-ons in ;k r, i ii n -r) f i t r P- r,: slii omier to 1-t pos:;ih3ls for thes- 5o take pnrt in t@leas studietip anfi to mct as an inciucerent to funri.,i foi, @lirl _tzl- 0/3 or fti-, L-,cr tr,7.,,,it,-Ir in fi@c of tiieir inlcrt;@it rll,,rint7, tl-i(3 t). r4l.o(i in wilicil tho..' rt-f) bf-iiig C)rl@!ei-ve Ih ects tiie @,,-,ency to u@@ izi' ai@ of its portl-,eiit facilitice in order to (,4ve t. ecens to t@inse resident ACT T,7! TY ,,',2 Or LTG. Tti wil-I t@-,ecrfo(-t,3 ii;icn liui-in be;-,,!Vior, I-)O(itly An!! fecling rt,',Itoy c.-ikx:7ed 't' cho.- Icnl agents of oatontial u-,ne by the Ag,,@ncy oi its a(lverq.-ir,Lr-.-qj or @)i.@rtinent to 2t'ie intorcgts o,C the Arcn'cy. It wj-lj, (1(.firle tt!rj irr,,i "-)f ll"fuin-trs of t@its,@ E,)[;)IL.Cta tlltit ttin A,:,ency will utiii,-.c i'@t3 2 tlio s7@nNie,-@-is ()f chc-r-dral a,,e)nts, ri-@;r) fol: IF Tli I'll r relati.ng to all metlio@a (in ad(IJ.tion to clierlic,-t aFelit3) wriicti az-o of patentlal usa in creating or modifying liumr4n mtivatL naj attitudes, 2 i(n beii.-iv@lor, ttit)@ir@ht r)T-ocetices, rit I r?-oilr,. 'r," to @."s c,,nziiot- r, of t@,,o uqed il 2 )I 5C.,@,, 1-.:7,,chiitr@', ed@icritionj tr,iiTiinr?, "nli tll(sc )m3,.;uzr-s crc--itccl by cultural ,)rac@ices in,l cociaj- gro@ipa of the co=-,unityj, 4-1 iJil-I al3O conr,.2tdor olhtir rptcial or uiioruiod,,ix !rc-tliods ouch ar b-rain dar-LLiCe, actinory atiintliti.on@ h@-pnorirl oo:-called 131m.ck nnychi.ntr-,,", Ir'-tvloviin or a!i@, 2 "oll-,h(-r ictli@l@is pc@-tl.nf@Tice for r;uch iAo inuerri!:at:L(in, sub-iersl.oni or sr-(Iuctir)n. The ,crx-cts to liqve access to ttic,, avAllAhle inforiation pc2-.ses,-,c(i l,y the @:,c@ncy r,il@itinr@ to iTi ',,ILis The initi,@d effort un(igr projc@c@', ilill tll@- CotT--)I@-;Llc)rl evaluntiori of the !fy-I)notic 4 r,,e,.tns LII ,;ill rcf!nl, 11). of cuuiiter.,ir,,tin(7, titc-,, inti dcvf.,Icp - --------- -- tkC-L i V-- TY ,kT TI. r @@;l -i, Tile Ust'., AS,-lessine, human a.,Iaptive c,,Ip@icit 2 i:ec) motivation),. an(i likel.@- future nfrforriirte. Tt wi@il dovelar) for l.nntr,@cti.nr. 'I@,r.,ncy PI,rqnnnel @ll tjln use of, tt;r.,3,3 !"Ctilo'lti. 2 e)rn@,,ctct to hivci -tc.,co-)ss to conrl.d,-@r tli(, nr-,s...tly avriliblo @mOwledP:,'s wi-tiirl the 1,,F,,cncy liarinv, to do iritti '-,he character, and develonmcnt, of both ,nircncqful ari(i un:""I,:7c ecsful agenta of all levels ,).f nt)c-,rtition. The iLl considor all -I-qpccts nr ti-o c;ublcctj, inl to @.ho p,(.rronility it.-uc4LLrc, cult-ur,.d anrl @o L, C,,- 1 l- c -11 hu @e ancl L-n-cdi-it,,3 II-fn sl.tu,.t@on( of Pei-.rons who 'be-cot,,ie a.;erit.,. It e.--,)Ects to succes.,;I'-ul a@t,.nt2s. A ('-T 'i T'C f f, r 1 'T ',?I tr":) Till, The (-.)n ttin stil'f 0 f ui@, Ibr@ at PLny ti-r@@in 1,@o t@ie A7ciicy witli rct@-ir(A tr) 2 'Cie c)f' bril.n i,iil ncrvo funr-t;r@,-i, It wiU rial-.e avai-Iil)ia their accumulaitid ',tnowled(@e and e;q)t-.rlunce :Ln Uie fl-eldi of nsycholorz., psyciiiati- Ty pny-cl-iobiolof7) lioclily adaptiL4ons r-4 C3 t3 i 2 ,rl -r4 TY 2 4D co 4-3 2 4-7 t-4 rA t.- ri ri -4 2 C' -4 el m -1,; (I- 40 C- 2 r-j so rA; 4.1 ri ED 2 El CD C7" 8 -NEW