. .. . .. .... LA 3, All Droject 7Qr-,i,soruiel an@. a@:cnto -,,,ill iiave @1@c secul-'-t6y c le arir c 3-1. cl,@VFIR a. Field person!iel coiieer-ne-d iiith tlii-s projcct will function under U. S. (iovernment cover -L@l)lical)le to the l'ield l,iission cr. ' ;tition to wliicli they are assigned. b. There will be established.'a research foundation; 2 under the direction w-bll have an overt function ,-@i,an Ecolo@7 to study Hu the rel,,iti.on between men mnci tlici r criviT-jn--ient and the relation between the social environment wid hwron illness. T2he high order of the aims and purposes of this overt r,.search program will be in accord with the professional s@an(lards,wli-ich prevail at this -IinstitdLion and will effectivcly conceal the acti-.,al purpose and degree of Agency participation. @ic@ covert purpose of -this Fowiclation iril I be to carrr out the doitiestic pha5e of this project in line with the task and objectives set for"h herein. NOTE: The followj-ng Attach,-icnts am pertinent to Uie cover organization and provide additional bacl-,EP,)und on tlle fom-ulation and scope of this acl.ivit-1: a. Overt Protocol for tti b. Dia@rram of tiic Organi.z,-ttional DreaNdorvm of tii- c. @larrative Description of the 0-vert and Comyt Activi-t-l@es c. Case officer contact witli indivi(ii-i-al agent personnel will t,,e woi'Ked out on a case basis depending on the actual circumstances of ttle developnental 8oueration. Agent personnel clirectly involved 4Ln activities within the cover Founclation i-jill be uni.@i-ttinF. -10- 12. CNTITTZOL A-@ID--@'OTIVATION All Staff,'C-.6ntract and-consult,-,tnt persnnnel iill Ic U. S. citizens, fully cleared p. i-ior to -,),jrti.cj,oition in tlil s P.2@@ U. '). ci ti -, en c, t,hey are su'hject to erpionagp laws antl rer,,,Lilatiohs. Particular en, plia3is is being placed on selection of the above mentioned personiiel in VJew of the sensitive nature of the project. Ag 2 ,_,ent personnel processed under this -liorou-lily and Profo@-siontll-y aszossc-,,d t,) bas.Lc project will be 4u, motivation ard cont,rol factors. factors will be re-iiiforced thmuc-,h 'liie application of additionil psy2chiatric and -,isyc'tiological '@r-,clini(iueo, Mf-tllodB and skills including the iise of liypno,3i.9 in conjiinction with drues ,iliere ap,nlical)le. 'r-@iT A"ii OTit@.P. 13. Tlicre will I)e a definite need wi.tliin the -)Yoj'oct for certai;z scienf@i@'ic laboratory equiprient.-- An esti=ate of the co.,3't of tlij.s' i-,ateri-al will be set forth in par,-t (16) below. In .iddition to cc@enti-fic cqiiipr,,ient, 2 off-'ice r,,-iterialj includi.nc? sifes, Ooskr,, t,@:pc,.iriteri an(4. rtatic;nery ,rill also bp- re(T-limcl. Special cq,,,4pM(-i -d ot@ 2 -nt j-nclucU,,ng 4@a@@"crial an "i@-@r corr.-duni- cation enuipr,,cnt fo-r use In rpeci.fic-, opeT,at'@ons vill I)c r-z(lttdst(,cl r indivi(-Iual siib-pi-@ijects. I -,I) I'@ T A 7I'lI Tti:Lo project at in vi.ew of tiie sensi@ll-'Lve c)f Ilic pmpo!-,cd objp-cti.ves a.,id tasks) coordinat@-r.,n wil.1 be on a strict need to know b@inis. 15. TD-xrTkBIL,' As previously indicated.. the,,Agendy has done considertblc,. msearch and lias undertaken varl?,@iis activiti(zs in t.lie past that iiill directly contribute to this project. iL@Lximuni 'utiliz--tion vrill be mtcle of kn@riledge already @ainF-2.d and assets available ttirough existing prograrrls at lead,,,,uarters and in the Field, Considerable groundwork has already been laid in connection with the es+,a!Nlishmc;nt a Certain key -,)(-,rsonnel have already been cleared and steps talcen to for7,ully establisli the cover 2 pon approval of this project. A ,)rogres-@@ive plan lias been worked out for initiating the activities of the cover These activities have been broken down into five separate i-esearch projects uncler the direction of ttie bri-c descri.ptton'of ttiese rc--.earch projects and an estimited (I.2-tte of co,-zionce,-@ent follcus: (see 6t@aclir.-,cnt C, for ad.ditiona-L details) 1. stuay 0 1 October 19r@4 2. Effect of (;he-i.cal Agents on BodAly Fi)nctiOTIS, "entation and Attitudes, 1 S-mtembcr 2-)54 32. O'@llier Factors Effecluinc, Behavior) '--Ientation, atid Attitlides, 1 October 1954. It. i@ietho(Js of &ssessin;T, Fel-iavior,, @',otivitir)n, At Ltiide and ACi,IT)tiVe CaDICitiC-S, il'u@(@CUatOly Upon a;)2i)rov@il of proj@ict, 5. ConDliltillive 'I--rvice for Relevant Ai-eiir-y Pr-,bl-ems; 'pecial C-lervices, i,",,,tediately upon al)[)roval of the project. The dates gA.7en above are tentative and contingent upon the availabiL'Lty of 2 cleared personrel. Tn most c-qE,(,,s orelininary research will com,-,ence upon anorova'L ot' tl,(-, projcct. -12 - 16. I)irector 1! Executive Director lo., C) go Agency Liaison Officur 10,800 Ileseai,cli I;iaiyst2 llcsoa,-ch I's.,rcholopist 2,,-@ Cultural AntliropologLst 2@., 000 LaboraLory Toclini(-ians 2-@ 53000. ilyp-oiiotic Teclinician 1) 47ponotic 'I@pecia.LisL 3 ,4 I i Lx@O 32000 tieuroio-ist 1'.esearch tsroci,.Ite (@I)ociolo,@y) 3,75,0 2 %;ocrc-@ar-.f ai,,d Clerlc T@-pist 3 glooo Itt@,cilts (L9Lu(lellt 2t @JOI) C!iar loi-co 2 -@ 1,@)DO 0 3 Tot;il 0 This fipure cov(,rs U(.,nera.1 office'eriuipt-i-?itj, i,,ic2u!.tng desks, t,,Tc-wi-iters, L@nd safe!3, I)I@d st,-tt@-onr-z7 supplies; recording equipment; and specia.1 scientific 2 Total Thi-s fi@;ure covers domestic wid forcip trivel azid I)or them for projcct, pc,,rsoiinel. Totil Travel ind "-@-r I)j.cm I 00 0 ?4-T i'@l-r,-Y 2 'flii,3 fuzid vii-li I)c n@,-ada available a,,i m(lilLil--t--Cl to -@IlEt Director, -.-,ationai e:rpenses., including grant3 to ad:.I--itional stii.,Iciits 2 rcproserting potc,@ntial'cliL@@,-itz; not eisr-iiiicr@! -n tlie,, i)i-oji-,ct; ari(L or)critioxiil S This fif,,ure inclu,,-ics the reiit., rr,,riovatir)4n and util,-Uit@s of"Il'ice :-,I,,,ice for i)rt)J,3c-'U- p(-.r@3oririci ati,i safe licuse faciiiticr>. (ff'ice space ft,)r pi--)-cct will be rented from the regu-lation wliich would prt-vent the departure frorn the ITni.tel 't-ite; of traiTi:Lni@ i.ii tl,.4.s c,)untT-.;. d. in viF-,,,. o.L' '-vl,,c of tc-cl-iniques to be e--ployed in qpccific opcrati6nal situatdoiis un,,Ier this project, special coordi-intion iiill 't.le Tii-i.s cooicl.-triatio-i will inc'j.itje the ap:3roval., i rec 'f Cicu for sne0cific a-i(I r