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Fear used to motivate political donors
Key Excerpts from Article on Website of ABC News blog

ABC News blog, March 4, 2010
Posted: March 8th, 2010

An internal Republican National Committee fundraising presentation obtained by Ben Smith at Politico proposes that GOP fundraisers shake the money tree by motivating donors based on "fear" of President Obama. The document also uses the controversial image of the president made up like Heath Ledger's Joker in The Dark Knight. Part of the presentation included a slideshow explaining RNC Marketing 101," suggesting that direct marketing is based on Visceral Giving in which donors can be motivated by fear, Extreme negative feelings toward existing Administration and Reactionary. Asks another slide: "What can you sell when you do not have the White House, the House, or the Senate ...?" The answer is "Save the country from trending toward Socialism! DNC communications director Brad Woodhouse [says] "The express strategy of the Republican party is not to offer new ideas, but fear. Republicans can no longer deny that they are peddling fear when they are literally selling it as their path back to power."

Note: The Democratic party also has made ample use of fear, particularly under the Bush administration. For a powerfully insightful essay which describes how various factions of the power elite use fear and more to manipulate the public and what we can do about it, click here.

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