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How to Avoid an Alien Invasion
Key Excerpts from Article on Website of Washington Post

Washington Post, June 9, 2006
Posted: November 11th, 2006

An excellent meeting starting today in Hawaii featur[es] a former Canadian defense minister, diplomats, international law experts and others. The topic? "Whether extraterrestrial civilizations are visiting the earth, how diplomacy might be conducted with them and the impact on world peace." The keynote speaker, according to a news release from the Exopolitics Institute, is former Canadian defense minister Paul Hellyer, who we're told "will be discussing whether humanity is up to the diplomatic task of achieving peace with extraterrestrials." Another dignitary expected to attend the three-day conference is John W. McDonald , who has represented the United States at "four United Nations conferences" and is now head of the Institute for Multi-Track Diplomacy. His topic, naturally, will be "how diplomatic initiatives, some involving private citizens, might be conducted when and if extraterrestrials visit earth." And retired Air Force Capt. Robert Salas will discuss a 1967 incident in which "UFOs shut down a Strategic Air command facility" in Montana and disabled its Minuteman nukes. The Exopolitics Institute was founded by Michael E. Salla, a professor and researcher in international peace and conflict resolution at American University from 1996 through 2004.

Note: For lots more reliable information on this topic, see

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