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Small Texas town abuzz over reported UFO sightings
Key Excerpts from Article on Website of ABC News/Associated Press

ABC News/Associated Press, January 15, 2008
Posted: January 20th, 2008

In this Texas farming community where nightfall usually brings clear, starry skies, residents are abuzz over reported sightings of what many believe is a UFO. Several dozen people including a pilot, county constable and business owners insist they have seen a large silent object with bright lights flying low and fast. Some reported seeing fighter jets chasing it. "People wonder what in the world it is because this is the Bible Belt, and everyone is afraid it's the end of times," said Steve Allen, a freight company owner and pilot who said the object he saw last week was a mile long and half a mile wide. "It was positively, absolutely nothing from these parts." While federal officials insist there's a logical explanation, locals swear that it was larger, quieter, faster and lower to the ground than an airplane. They also said the object's lights changed configuration, unlike those of a plane. People in several towns who reported seeing it over several weeks have offered similar descriptions of the object. Machinist Ricky Sorrells said ... he saw a flat, metallic object hovering about 300 feet over a pasture behind his Dublin home.He has seen the object several times. He said he watched it through his rifle's telescopic lens and described it as very large and without seams, nuts or bolts. About 200 UFO sightings are reported each month, mostly in California, Colorado and Texas, according to the Mutual UFO Network, which plans to go to the 17,000-resident town of Stephenville to investigate. Fourteen percent of Americans polled last year by The Associated Press ... say they have seen a UFO.

Note: For a succinct summary of UFO evidence presented by highly credible government and military professionals, click here.

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