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What is "brain hacking"? Tech insiders on why you should care
Key Excerpts from Article on Website of CBS News

CBS News, April 9, 2017
Posted: September 19th, 2017

The companies responsible for programming your phones are working hard to get you and your family to feel the need to check in constantly. Some programmers call it brain hacking and the tech world would probably prefer you didnt hear about it. Ramsay Brown studied neuroscience before co-founding Dopamine Labs. The company is named after the dopamine molecule in our brains that aids in the creation of desire and pleasure. Brown and his colleagues write computer code for apps ... designed to provoke a neurological response. The computer code he creates finds the best moment to give you ... rewards, which have no actual value, but Brown says trigger your brain to make you want more. When Brown says experiments, hes talking generally about the millions of computer calculations being used every moment by his company and others use to constantly tweak your online experience. "Youre part of a controlled set of experiments that are happening in real time across you and millions of other people," [said Brown]. "Youre guinea pigs ... pushing the button and sometimes getting the likes. And theyre doing this to keep you in there. You dont pay for Facebook. Advertisers pay for Facebook. You get to use it for free because your eyeballs are whats being sold there." While Brown is tapping into the power of dopamine, psychologist Larry Rosen and his team at California State University ... are researching the effect technology has on our anxiety levels. Their research suggests our phones are keeping us in a continual state of anxiety in which the only antidote is the phone.

Note: This new form of "brain hacking" adds to a vast arsenal of behavior modification technologies developed by government and industry. For more along these lines, see concise summaries of deeply revealing news articles on mind control and the disappearance of privacy.

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