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To Movers and Shakers
Who Are Most In The Know

Hey wonderful 'In the Know' friends,

Every one of the planetary transformers receiving this email knows that I am a spiritual activist committed to the transformation of our world through love and cooperation. I am deeply dedicated to what's best for all of us. This has been my unwavering intention and main guiding force for over 20 years now.

Through the popular websites I manage, I have gotten to know quite a number of other powerful spiritual activists on our planet, like you. As recently I've been getting some really deep, powerful information, I realized just today that it would be good to form a special list for those of my fellow movers and shakers who are most in the know, and who really want to better understand the depths and expansiveness of all that is happening in our world and beyond. You are one of these wonderful people.

This list has 24 names, including three leaders of the 9/11 movement, two top experts in mind control, two leading figures in the UFO movement, the most knowledgeable individual I know in the new energy movement, three people with amazing email lists reaching many thousands, and several prominent, respected leaders in their transformational communities. I have a personal connection with every one of you and greatly admire your work.

What distinguishes you all from my many other friends, is that each of you not only has a wealth of knowledge about the many aspects of all that has been hidden, but is also willing to look deep into the shadow with the intention of developing greater understanding, so that we can better work to transform our lives and world.

I will use this list sparingly, only when I get really deep information that can make a big difference. I suspect on average I will send out less than one email a month. If you'd rather not be on the list, please don't hesitate to let me know. You are more than welcome to share anything I send with anyone who you believe will benefit from the information. I am dedicated to total transparency and to spreading empowering knowledge and inspiration to all who want to know.

I've just recently received some tremendously powerful information I invite you to take a look at. I've already sent this information to many of you personally, which is what led me to form this list. If you are like me, you will be very excited by both of these: - Ruling bloodline member speaks - Condensed version of same

The first link is very long with lots of comments from forum members. The second link contains only the entries of Hidden_Hand, the bloodline member. I am deeply impressed to hear this person sharing powerful, transformative information about the big picture on our planet, some of which I had never heard before. As always, I invite you to be skeptical, yet open to what is presented. Here's one of my favorite quotes from this piece:

"Remember, always, that this is a beautiful Game that we are playing here and co-creating together, with our Infinite Creator. And that "off stage" (between lives) we are the very best of friends, and that no one really "dies" and no one really "suffers", except in the Game. The Game is not Reality. Reality is Reality, and you have the Power to Express your Reality within the Game, once you have learnt how to do so."

Project Camelot interviews Jessica: A Crystal Child Speaks Out

The first half of the interview is a bit scattered, though it gives good background information. The second half of this video gets really good. I guarantee this young woman will inspire you and get you thinking. If you don't know about Project Camelot at, they are the best out there at interviewing key insiders and using the results to pull together the big picture of all that is happening.

I welcome your thoughts on this powerful information. Thanks for being who you are and playing your key role in the transformation of our world. You take care!

P.S. If you are interested in some really powerful information on mind control, take a look at this link. One of our board members who is a top mind control expert was at this lecture and speaks very highly of this man and his lecture. Most of you are on my regular mailing list (two emails a week). If not, I highly recommend subscribing at this link.

Wishing you and all of us abundant love, inspiration, and joy,
December 18, 2008

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