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Graham Hancock

Hey wonderful 'In the Know' friends,

I'd heard about Graham Hancock in the past, but only this week became aware of the incredibly depth of his truly stunning work. Graham was a reporter for the highly respected Economist for a number of years. He also wrote articles for numerous other well-known newspapers. He's one of those very rare, cautious researchers who is willing to go where the truth leads him. It eventually led him to some pretty far out places which you can learn about in the fascinating video below.

First, if you are interested in a quick bio, you can learn more about him at this link:

Then, when you get some time, I most highly recommend watching the below video of David Wilcock interviewing Graham for over 90 minutes. And buckle your seatbelt. If you don't know about this stuff already, it's pretty mind blowing!

I very much welcome your thoughts. It's exciting how many people are uncovering little-known truths and spreading it far and wide. Yea!!! Have a fantastic weekend!

Wishing you and all of us abundant love, inspiration, and joy,
June 3, 2010

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