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Biden orders DOJ to end private prison contracts as part of racial equity push
Key Excerpts from Article on Website of CNBC News

CNBC News, January 26, 2021
Posted: January 31st, 2021

President Joe Biden ordered his Department of Justice on Tuesday to phase out its contracts with private prisons, one of multiple new planks of Biden’s broad-focused racial justice agenda. Biden signed four additional executive actions after laying out his racial equity plan at the White House. The actions are aimed at combating discriminatory housing practices, reforming the prison system, respecting sovereignty of Tribal governments and fighting xenophobia against Asian Americans, especially in light of the Covid pandemic. “I ran for president because I believe we’re in a battle for the soul of this nation,” Biden said before signing the actions. “And the simple truth is, our soul will be troubled as long as systemic racism is allowed to persist.” “For too many American families, systemic racism and inequality in our economy, laws and institutions, still put the American dream far out of reach,” domestic policy advisor Susan Rice said at a press briefing preceding Biden’s speech and signings. “These are desperate times for so many Americans, and all Americans need urgent federal action to meet this moment,” Rice said. “Building a more equitable economy is essential if Americans are going to compete and thrive in the 21st century.” Rice noted in the briefing that Biden’s order to the DOJ does not apply to private-prison contracts with other agencies, such as Immigration and Customs Enforcement. That order is “silent on what may or may not transpire with ICE facilities,” she said.

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