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Can Listening to the Beatles Improve Your Memory? New Research Says Music Just Might Stir the Brain
Key Excerpts from Article on Website of Northeastern University

Northeastern University, July 18, 2022
Posted: August 15th, 2022

When Paul McCartney wrote “Get Back,” he never would have predicted how useful or relevant the song would become for music therapists. In new research, Psyche Loui, an associate professor of music ... found that for older adults who listened to some of their favorite music, including The Beatles, connectivity in the brain increased. Specifically, Loui—and her multi-disciplinary team ... discovered that music bridged the gap between the brain’s auditory system and reward system, the area that governs motivation. “There’s something about music that is this functional connectivity between the auditory and reward system, and that’s why music is so special and able to tap into these seemingly very general cognitive functions that are suddenly very engaged in folks with dementia who are hearing music,” said Loui. The original idea for this research came out of Loui’s own experiences playing music in nursing homes. She recalled how people who couldn’t finish a sentence or thought would suddenly harmonize and sing along to a song she was playing. “[Music] seems to engage the brain in this way that’s different than everything else,” Loui said. What the researchers found was striking: Music was essentially creating an auditory channel directly to the medial prefrontal cortex, the brain’s reward center. Music that was both familiar and well-liked tended to activate the auditory and reward areas more. The music that participants selected themselves provided an even stronger connection.

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