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Teenagers are better than you in California
Key Excerpts from Article on Website of Sacramento Bee (Sacramento, California's leading newspaper)

Sacramento Bee (Sacramento, California's leading newspaper), April 26, 2018
Posted: August 4th, 2019

Social trends among California youth have been spectacular. Over the last generation, rates of arrests of Californians under age 20 have fallen by 80 percent, murder arrest by 85 percent, gun killings by 75 percent, imprisonments by 88 percent, births by teen mothers by 75 percent, and school dropout by more than half while college enrollments have risen 45 percent. Back in 1980, teenagers comprised 27 percent of Californias criminal arrests. Today, 9 percent. Anecdotes of kids gone wrong remain, but theyre rarer than ever. Modern youth trends challenge traditional theories of what makes teenagers act better. Family stability and adult behaviors have not improved; in fact, epidemics of drug abuse, criminal arrest, and incarceration plague middle ages (the parents of adolescents). High levels of poverty among youth remain. Recurring panics over video games, smartphones, and other made-up teenage dangers need to yield to efforts to improve education and reduce poverty. Todays more education-oriented, activist youth deserve to contribute to political decisions and leadership. By their behavior changes and survey evidence, young people are better adapted to todays rapidly changing world than their elders.

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