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When Alma Tucker learned of cross-border sex trafficking, she had to act
Key Excerpts from Article on Website of Christian Science Monitor

Christian Science Monitor, January 14, 2016
Posted: January 25th, 2016

Alma Tucker discovered what her lifework would be when she was about to retire. She had been working for the Mexican Consulates Department of Protection in San Diego. One of the assignments I had was to see patients in hospitals, Ms. Tucker says. She would act as an interpreter and help them find family members in Mexico. This time, it was a 14-year-old girl. When I arrived I found she was being sexually exploited by a smuggler, Tucker says. The smuggler, who was supposed to be transporting the girl into the US, had told her that her parents hadnt paid him, and so, he said, she was obligated to have sex with anyone he wanted her to. By the time the girl arrived in the US, she had been forced into sex by multiple men. That was when Tucker realized that victims of sex abuse and human trafficking need comforting as well as practical help. As she looked further into the problem of human trafficking on the US-Mexican border, she realized how few resources existed for Mexican victims. In 2010, Tucker and her husband established the International Network of Hearts, a nonprofit organization dedicated to helping victims of human trafficking, particularly underage ones, and raising awareness about the enormous problem of labor and sex trafficking. Then Tucker opened a home for underage victims in Tijuana, Mexico, called La Casa del Jardin The Garden House so named because, she says, she thinks of each girl as a flower waiting to bloom. We try to create a very healthy ambiance, she says. Theyre survivors. We give them a lot of love.

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