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Feeding hungry is job one at Same Cafe
Key Excerpts from Article on Website of MSNBC News

MSNBC News, December 13, 2009
Posted: December 20th, 2009

In many ways, nothing has changed at the SAME Caf in mid-town Denver. A week ago, we brought in the NBC News camera and recorded a typical Friday lunch rush. We were there because a viewer had e-mailed Brian Williams [about] the couple who run the caf. Brad and Libby Birky serve great food, but accept in return only what the customer can afford. Some pay nothing, while others, who still have jobs and paychecks pay something, sometimes double or even triple what the meal would cost anywhere else in town. A week after we visited the SAME Caf, some things have changed. Within 24 hours, the caf's web-site -- -- was hit with over 4000 e-mails. The messages came from Maine, Alaska, California, and all points in between. They were overwhelmingly warm and supportive. Contributions poured in. So far, the figure is about $13,000. The money is coming in small amounts, primarily from people who will never taste the pizza at the SAME cafe. Brad says they are "flooded" with offers from people from the Denver area to help prepare, cook, and clean up the caf. More volunteers than could fit in the caf. Brad isnt turning anyone away, "We'll just schedule them in a few weeks down the road, when the rush is over." After more than two years running the caf, Brad knows "the rush" will slow down.

Note: Founded in October 2006, this incredibly inspiring cafe has not gotten nearly the press coverage that it deserves, though you can find a couple major media articles at this link and this one. For a great, five-minute video on this most inspiring cafe, click here.

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