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Is Bilderberg a conference on world affairs or a powerful global cabal?
Key Excerpts from Article on Website of Washington Post

Washington Post, June 1, 2012
Posted: June 12th, 2012

A dull office park near Dulles International Airport took on the sheen of a Hollywood thriller this week, when an invitation-only cadre of global leaders gathered for a secretive meeting known as the Bilderberg conference. Henry Kissinger and Bill Gates were chauffeured in. Fairfax County police established a security perimeter around the Westfields Marriott and prohibited a Washington Post photographer from snapping pictures from a public street. Outside the Jersey barriers, dozens of protesters and conspiracy theorists convinced that Bilderberg is a global cabal that runs the world waved signs and shouted into bullhorns. The current chairman of its steering committee is a French count. Participants include the [neoconservative] Richard Perle, billionaire Peter Thiel, and financiers such as Roger Altman and Kenneth M. Jacobs, chairman and chief executive of Lazard. Attendees are encouraged not to discuss the proceedings, which fuels the secrecy concerns. Over the years, conspiracy buffs have embraced notions such as the group is behind the creation of the euro and meets to select the winners and losers in the U.S. presidential election.

Note: For an informative, revealing video on the Bilderberg Group featuring top Guardian journalist Charlie Skelton, click here. For excellent summaries of revealing major media news articles on the Bilderberg Group and other powerful secret societies, click here.

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