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Forget UFOs, alien hunters say we should be focusing on Unidentified Submerged Objects (USOs)
Key Excerpts from Article on Website of Daily Mail (One of the UK's Popular Newspapers)

Posted: April 8th, 2024
From sightings by U.S. submarines to mysterious humanoids in the depths of Russian lakes, there is an even more mysterious cousin to the UFO - the USO, or Unidentified Submerged Object. There are multiple reports of USOs from around the world, often from respected military and academic professionals - with some claiming that underwater ‘fast movers’ are a common part of life on board submarines. Nigel Watson, author of Captured by Aliens? A History and Analysis of American Abduction Claims, said: ‘We live on an ocean planet, so it is not surprising that UFOs are seen over or in the vicinity of the great expanses of water that surround us. 'Concentrations of USO sightings indicate bases in the North Sea, and off the coasts of California and Puerto Rico.' A craft moving through the water faster than the speed of sound ‘whizzed by’ the submarine U.S.S. Hampton, a professor has claimed. Professor Bob McGwier of Virginia Tech and the Institute for Defence Analyses, said the craft’s onboard sonar detected a USO moving through the water faster than the speed of sound. Lake Baikal in Siberia has been the site of multiple sightings of USOs and UFOs. Russian former Navy officer turned UFO researcher Vladimir Azhazha said, "Fifty percent of UFO encounters are connected with oceans. Fifteen more - with lakes. UFOs tend to stick to the water.” Azhazha has claimed that humanoid beings in strange shiny suits were seen in the water by military divers in 1982.
Note: Watch this intriguing leaked video taken by a Navy ship and this video of more strange UFO sightings by US Navy warships. For more along these lines, see concise summaries of deeply revealing news articles on UFOs from reliable major media sources. Then explore the excellent, reliable resources provided in our UFO Information Center.
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